Twining climbers for sun

Many garden-favourite climbers including clematis and honeysuckle thrive on a sunny wall. So if you want to plant on a south or west-facing wall in prolonged direct sunshine, make sure your climbers can cope with periods of heat and dryness especially during summer.

See the following selection of twining climbers that are good in full sun. 

Practical tips

Make sure that your plants do not dry out in the rain shadow often found near a wall, and take special care when newly planted. 

Compact twining or scrambling climbers under 10m (33ft)

Choose your climbers carefully so they will not grow to big or overwhelm a small space. 

Vigorous twining or scrambling climbers from 4-10m (12-33ft) high

if you have a large wall or a long fence in a sunny spot to fill, the following climbers will suit you.

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