10 award-winning (AGM) hardy geraniums for the garden
Hardy geraniums are the most popular perennials in Britain. And it’s easy to see why. They’re tough and easy to grow, many flowering for months at a stretch
What’s the difference between a geranium and a pelagonium? ‘Geranium’ is the name most people use when talking about pelargoniums. But Geranium is actually a different plant genus. To help avoid confusion some refer to Geranium as ‘hardy geraniums’, and Pelargonium as ‘tender geraniums’.
Discover 10 hardy geraniums perfect for your garden, which have been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM).
Geranium Rozanne (‘Gerwat’) is a stupendous plant making vigorous ground cover or a dramatic container specimen. The prolific saucer-shaped flowers open from July to October and feature purple veins and a bold white centre – all set against fresh green foliage. It needs plenty of space, or is superb planted as a specimen in a large container where it creates a blue waterfall of colour. ‘Jolly Bee’ has now been pronounced as identical. 60cm (2ft). Hardiness rating H7.
With some of the loveliest foliage of all hardy geraniums, each broad lobed greyish leaf of Geranium renardii has the soft texture of sage foliage. In June and July sprays of white flowers with deep purple veins are held just above the even mound of leaves. This is a compact and slowly spreading plant, ideal for the front of a sunny border; dryish conditions bring out the best in the foliage. 35cm (14in). Hardiness rating H6.
This delicately patterned form of our native Geranium pratense (meadow cranesbill) is effective close up, where its intricate colouring can be admired, and from a distance for its haze of colour. The pale blue flowers of Geranium pratense ‘Mrs Kendall Clark’, which open through June and July, feature a network of white veins and will come again in a second flush if dead-headed. In spring, the mound of new lobed foliage is also attractive. 90cm (3ft). Hardiness rating H7.
Many varieties of this widely grown hybrid are weedy, floppy and unremarkable but Geranium x oxonianum ‘Wageningen’ is more compact, more upright and has a long succession of green eyed, salmony pink flowers each with a shiny reflective surface to enhance the appeal. Superb under old roses, in full sun the flowers may bleach so partial or dappled shade is ideal. ‘Wageningen’ is happy in most soils. 40cm (18in). Hardiness rating H7.
One of the finest of recent hardy geraniums, Geranium ‘Orion’ could be said to be like good old Geranium × johnsonii ‘Johnson’s Blue’ – only far, far better. Spreading to make excellent ground cover, large lavender-tinted blue flowers have purple veins and open in huge quantities all summer. The broad petals overlap to create bowl-shaped flowers and the white centres accentuate the colouring. A seedling of Geranium ‘Brookside’, another fine AGM winner. 75cm (30in). Hardiness rating H7.
Geranium ‘Mavis Simpson’ is a low and spreading, almost evergreen plant. It has lobed silvery foliage which makes a lovely background for the pink flowers which themselves have a silver overlay as well as dark veins. Flowers open from June to October and although the stems spread widely they’re easy to restrict as they do not take root. Found as a chance seedling at Kew, and named after a Kew gardener. 20cm (8in). Hardiness rating H6.
A prolific, widely spreading and unusually long flowering ground cover, the purple-veined magenta pink flowers open from July until a hard frost. Although unhappy in dry conditions, Geranium ‘Dilys’ is valuable for its tolerance of poor drainage and enjoys part shade as well as in full sun. Named in honour of Dilys Davies, for many years an influential member of the Hardy Plant Society. 40cm (16in). Hardiness rating H7.
Geranium sanguineum ‘Album’, or bloody cranesbill ‘Album’, is a spreading herbaceous perennial known for its pure white summer flowers and small, dark green leaves that turn vibrant in autumn. It supports garden pollinators like bees and thrives in a variety of soils – chalk, clay, loam, and sand – provided they are well-drained. Its extremely hardy nature means it grows well in full sun or partial shade and is suitable for cottage gardens, rock gardens, and wildlife gardens. 50cm (20in). Hardiness rating H7.
Beautifully patterned flowers sit above silvered foliage, each bloom is pale pink but very heavily patterned with purplish pink veins and with a deep red eye. The flowers keep coming during spring and summer with a scattering continuing into autumn and are set against neatly divided silver leaves. Geranium (Cinereum Group) ‘Ballerina’ is one of the best known introductions from the great plantsman Alan Bloom. Happiest in well-drained soil in a sunny place. 15cm (6in). Hardiness rating H5.
Geranium ‘Ann Folkard’ is a vigorous groundcover which works surprisingly well as a climber. Its bright golden new foliage becomes greenish gold later as the dark-centred magenta flowers open in summer and continue into autumn. Amazing when climbing into a mature holly, as a ground cover it does not root as it spreads so is easy to control. Discovered by a Lincolnshire vicar. 50cm (20in). Hardiness rating H7.