Currant, red, white, pink and black trial 2025–2028

Objectives and purpose of the trial

The purpose of this trial is to look specifically at red, white and pink currants (Ribes rubrum) and blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum). The RHS has not trialled red and white currants before, and blackcurrants were last trialled in 2009–2012 at RHS Wisley, Surrey. Currants are attractive plants that are good for growing in small gardens, providing useful nutritional fruit. The RHS Trials team aim to compare new and established cultivars, and those that perform best will be awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM).
Ripe red currants ready for harvest
Fresh blackcurrants – rich, ripe, and ready

Judges and criteria

Judging criteria

The following factors are all taken into consideration as part of the judging of the trial:

  • Vigour and habit
  • Quality of fruit, size, flavour, appearance (glossiness)
  • Ease of harvest e.g. sprig arrangement

  • Total yield
  • Pest and disease resistance

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