Growing guide

How to grow sansevierias

Sansevierias are among the easiest yet most dramatic of all houseplants, so have long been popular. Robust and undemanding, they thrive in both bright and low light, and are available in an ever-increasing range of shapes, sizes and colours.

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Quick facts

  • Low-maintenance, resilient houseplants, ideal for beginners

  • Handsome clumps of leathery, succulent, pointed leaves 

  • Enjoy typical home conditions: 15–24°C (60–75°F) and low humidity

  • Will thrive in sun or light shade

  • Avoid overwatering and use free-draining cactus compost

All you need to know

Before you get started
Ongoing care
Pruning and training
While we think all this information will be helpful to you, we always recommend to read the instruction labels on your plants.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.