
Standard roses

With their tall lollipop shape, Standard roses (Rosa) add instant height to a border and flower at eye level. They work best in a formal scheme, either as a single focal point or as a pair framing a view. Standard roses are also ideal for containers.


Standard roses have a single tall stem, topped with foliage and flowers, like a small tree. They are usually a modern rose or miniature rose grafted onto a strong, bare stem. Grafting a climbing or rambling rose in the same way creates a cascading form known as a weeping standard.


Standard roses prefer a sheltered position in full sun and rich soil, ideally mulched with lots of well-rotted manure. Staking the stem is essential, as a standard in full flower is top heavy and will bend, break or fall over. See the Growing Guide for staking and planting advice. 


Avoid an exposed position, as strong wind can blow your Standard rose over. It will not thrive in poor or very wet soil or in shade.

Did you know?

The rounded canopy of foliage and flowers on a Standard rose is grafted onto the stem of a species rose such as Rosa canina or Rosa multiflora. Any shoots, (also called suckers) that sprout further down the stem should be removed as these will be from the stem species. 

Growing guide

Standard roses we recommend

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