Small bush roses
Small bush roses (Rosa) include Patio, Polyantha and Miniature roses. As the names suggest, are all small and compact bushes. They are perfect for small gardens and grow well in containers or as an edging to a border. They are more robust than they might appear from their small size. Single-flowered varieties attract and feed pollinators.
Small bush roses have clusters of often perfectly scrolled, small flowers in pale and vibrant colours. They are compact, sometimes diminutive, and upright to dome-shaped or spreading shrubs, 30-75cm (1ft-30in) in height. They repeat-flower well throughout summer and early autumn.
A sunny spot with fertile, well-drained soil is best for your small bush roses. In containers, use loam-based compost such as John Innes No. 3 with added grit, perlite or vermiculite to improve the drainage.
Like most roses, they won’t thrive in deep shade, poor soil or waterlogged conditions.
Did you know?
Miniature roses are often sold as flowering houseplants. After flowering, you can gradually acclimatise the plant to outdoor conditions, then plant out in the garden during spring.
Growing guide
How to grow roses
All the information you'll need to grow & care for roses in your garden.
Useful advice
Containers: summer selection
Rose pruning: Patio, Polyantha and Miniature roses
Roses: growing in containers
Roses: planting
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