Growing guide

How to grow auriculas

Hardy and exquisitely formed, auriculas deserve to be looked at close up. There are several different types of auricula, two of which - alpine and show types - appreciate the effort it takes to grow them well. Border auriculas are more robust and put up with the worst of winter weather. All are scented and make good cut flowers.

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Quick facts

  • Auriculas are hardy perennials
  • Flowers in April, in all shades
  • Buy and plant in spring when they are flowering 
  • Keep some auriculas shaded from summer sun and rain 
  • Sow seed in late January, or remove offsets after flowering
  • Deadhead as flowers fade, unless you want seed

All you need to know

Before you get started
Ongoing care
While we think all this information will be helpful to you, we always recommend to read the instruction labels on your plants.

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