© RHS/Joanna Kossak



Common name: Ornamental onion

Alliums include many familiar edible plants such as onions, leeks and garlic as well as attractive flowering types. The ornamental types are a great addition to the garden with their showy flowerheads in shades of blue, purple, white and pink, bringing globes of colour in spring and early summer. They are good cut flowers and the dried flowerheads give a long lasting display.

Growing guide

Browse alliums

Edible alliums

Border alliums

Specialist alliums

Discover award-winning alliums

Alliums we recommend

Buy alliums from RHSplants.co.uk

Every purchase supports the work of the RHS

Useful advice

Allium leaf miner

Allium leaf miner

Downy mildews

Downy mildews

Onion white rot

Onion white rot

Slugs and snails

Slugs and snails

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