Plant Societies

Plant societies are full of friendly enthusiasts who are keen to share their enjoyment and knowledge of their favourite plants

Explore the world of plant societies

Whatever your plant passion, shade or sun lovers, springtime shrubs,  autumn colour or your favourite you can’t live without – there’s a plant society ready to welcome you with open arms:

Gentiana sino-ornata ‘Starlight’
Gentiana sino-ornata ‘Starlight’ (showy Chinese gentian ‘Starlight’)

Have you ever heard about an unusual plant, seed or wonderful garden, only to discover they’re out of reach? While online guides exist for growing almost anything, where can you find someone who truly knows a plant’s quirks, how to grow it successfully, and might even share a cutting or garden tour with you?

A plant society is the answer – a welcoming community of enthusiasts eager to share knowledge, advice, and a passion for plants. Members connect through a variety of social events and enjoy access to exclusive benefits and activities.

Key benefits of joining a plant society

  • Visits to collections and gardens not usually open to the public
  • A community of friendly enthusiasts willing to share their knowledge and plants
  • Opportunities to grow new and unusual plants through seed and plant-sharing schemes
  • Visit or take part in shows, competitions and plant sales at RHS Gardens and other locations
  • Regular publications and yearbooks
  • Access to information and advice
  • Online meetings, activities and competitions, making it even easier to get involved
  • Talks and demonstrations
  • A website that provides a wealth of information, advice, guide to events and inspirational photography

Members and their plants are at the heart of these societies. Whatever your level of experience, you can connect with like-minded individuals, learning from each other and tapping into the collective knowledge and probably increasing your plant collection.

Many lifelong friendships are formed within these societies and membership also gives a sense of purpose, whether it’s taking part in a competition, succeeding with a longed-for plant or sharing knowledge with others at shows and events.

So why not think about joining the one that represents your favourite plant?

Nepenthes × ventrata
Nepenthes × ventrata (pitcher plant)

“Plant Societies are full of wonderful people, generous with their time, knowledge and plants and I’ve found there’s always something more to learn.  You’ll make friends and certainly add some interesting varieties to your garden.”

Vanessa Penn, RHS Partnership Coordinator

Plant Societies working with the RHS

The RHS currently partners with more than 40 plant societies, so, find a society that represents your favourite plant, and perhaps inspire you to grow something new:

Alpine Garden Society

Founded in 1929, the Alpine Garden Society (AGS) is now one of the largest specialist garden societies in the world. It is a charitable organisation primarily concerned with the cultivation of alpine and mountain plants.

The AGS is passionate about the conservation of alpine plants in the wild and it funds various projects across the UK and abroad. It also supports the development of knowledge and skills in the alpine field through conferences, study days and its AGS Trainee Scheme.

Members enjoy many benefits, from webinars, plant fairs and informative publications, to expert-led tours and one of the biggest seed exchanges in the world. The Society’s quarterly journal is packed with articles and advice for enthusiasts of all abilities and experiences. Anyone can visit the AGS Garden at Pershore for free.

2025 events
  • 1 February: AGS Snowdrop Day, Lilleshall, Shropshire
  • 8 February: AGS Show, RHS Garden Wisley
  • 1 March: AGS Plant Fair, Braintree, Essex
  • 12 April: AGS Plant Fair, Three Counties Showground, Malvern

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Australasian Plant Society

Formed more than 30 years ago, the Australasian Plant Society was born out of a shared love of growing plants from Australia and New Zealand and the islands that surround them. Its members include people growing Australasian plants in their back gardens, keen enthusiasts, public gardens, nursery owners and head gardeners.

The Society aims to encourage the conservation and cultivation of Australasian plants and promote their suitability for the garden. Experienced growers are happy to share their specialist knowledge of these unusual and unique plants in person and through the Society’s journal Pentachondra.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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British Cactus and Succulent Society

The British Cactus and Succulent Society has a worldwide membership and 70 branches in the UK and Ireland. Joining is a great way to learn more about these fascinating plants and meet like-minded enthusiasts through regular meetings.

The Society helps enthusiasts grow and enjoy these plants and provides an insight into their origin in nature. Its charitable objectives are to support professionals in the field in their research and conservation activities.

New members receive a pack containing useful information and cultivation and propagation guides to get started, as well as seeds.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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British Clematis Society

The British Clematis Society was founded in 1991 in response to the growing interest in clematis. Its aim is to advance horticulture and promote the cultivation and preservation of the genus, encouraging more gardeners to grow and enjoy clematis.

There are three newsletters and a full-colour journal each year, plus members’ meetings, workshops and seminars on both a national and regional basis. Members have their own private section within the British Clematis Society website and access to the Society’s Facebook page.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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British Conifer Society

For nurserypeople, enthusiasts and organisations with an interest in conifers, the non-profit-making British Conifer Society produces two issues of its journal annually and organises visits in both the UK and abroad.

Overseas trips are operated jointly by the BCS and the Dutch Conifer Society, and in the past few years have included destinations such as France, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Estonia and two locations in the USA.

Follow them on Facebook under the British Conifer Society, where you can ask questions that will be answered by a committee member, and join their British Conifer Society Facebook group.

2025 events

Please see Facebook for full details of shows and events.

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British Fuchsia Society

Since 1939 the British Fuchsia Society has been promoting, growing and enjoying fuchsias. Its members enjoy a range of benefits including shows and displays, three publications and advice on all aspects of growing fuchsias.

As a registered charity, the Society’s aim is to advance the education of the public and further knowledge of fuchsias by encouraging, improving and extending cultivation of the genus in all possible ways.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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British Hosta and Hemerocallis Society

Founded in 1981, the Society aims to explore and record the history of Hosta and Hemerocallis (daylilies) and increase the knowledge and appreciation of the genera. It also encourages the cultivation of these beautiful plants, answers botanical and cultural enquiries, and gives advice. The Society gives awards for special achievements in growing or promoting them. Its patron is The King.

Membership brings with it a range of benefits, such as full-colour publications and the opportunity to meet up with other members to learn more about these plants.

The public area of its website gives free access to information and news about hostas and hemerocallis. Access to the membership area allows viewing of past and present publications, including the hosta and hemerocallis handbooks. It also provides access to a list of library materials available to borrow and a directory of members’ open gardens and specialist nurseries.

2025 events
  • Nurseries of BHHS members at major RHS Flower Shows
  • Summer weekends to visit gardens and meet members

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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British Iris Society

Membership of the British Iris Society is for anyone who admires irises and wishes to further their knowledge of the genus. Founded in 1922, the Society’s interests include all the Iridaceae from Anomatheca to Watsonia including Crocus and Gladiolus, but predominantly Iris.

The Society has two subgroups: Historic Irises Group and Beardless Irises Group; and three affiliated groups: Species Group, Southern Iris Group and West and Midlands Iris Group. All groups have their own annual publications and hold events including lectures and garden visits.

The Society’s own shows are a chance to exhibit but also to meet fellow enthusiasts and breeders and gain from their knowledge. The annual lecture day and AGM venue varies each year, but the meeting is always a friendly affair, so do think about joining if you have an interest in the Iridaceae.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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British Pteridological Society

This Society for fern enthusiasts was founded in 1891 and is a focal point for those interested in ferns. It provides a wide range of information about ferns through its website, journals, leaflets and books. The Society also organises talks, excursions, field and garden meetings, and online talks through its regional and special interest groups.

The aims of the Society, which is run on a voluntary basis, are to promote all aspects of pteridology by encouraging the appreciation, conservation, cultivation and scientific study of ferns, horsetails, clubmosses and quillworts through publications, meetings and the provision of grants.

Its international membership includes those interested in gardening, natural history and botany, both amateur and professional. The Society is affiliated to the RHS and Plant Heritage and supports recording and conservation activities with other organisations.

2025 events
  • 7–9 June: Sussex Weald field meeting
  • 26–27 July: Fern and Carnivorous Plant Show, RHS Garden Wisley
  • 14–17 August: Display at Southport Flower Show

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Carnivorous Plant Society

Membership of the Carnivorous Plant Society is for everyone interested in growing and learning more about these fascinating plants and their amazing adaptations. It is devoted to education and conservation, because only through awareness can these special plants and their habitats be protected.

Joining the Society brings introduction to like-minded enthusiasts, a wealth of growing advice, tips and social events. Your membership helps to fund conservation projects.

The Society is present at most RHS Shows and holds carnivorous plant weekends at some RHS Gardens and botanical gardens. In addition, the Society holds its AGM in the spring and its end-of-season meeting in the autumn. Talks are given to garden clubs and Society members hold around 20 open days across the country.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Cottage Garden Society

With a more natural approach to gardening, the Cottage Garden Society, founded in 1982, encourages members to grow flowers, vegetables, fruit and herbs together, combining beautiful scents and colours with practical production. The resulting spaces provide a haven for birds, butterflies and other wildlife. By working with nature and companion planting, the Society aims to conserve older and rarer species of plants and protect them for the future.

Members can take part in a very popular annual seed exchange, which introduces many to plants they have not grown before. This exchange also helps conserve older and rarer species of plants, protecting them for the future.

The Society has 30 local and specialist groups across the UK, and with members all over the world there is always someone new to meet.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Cyclamen Society

This international society is for gardeners, horticulturists and those with a scientific interest in the genus Cyclamen. It was founded in 1977, is UK-based and has 1,250 members, of which 16% are in Japan and 24% are from the rest of the world. The Society aims to further the knowledge of Cyclamen in cultivation and in the wild. It has a research programme that studies the habitat, distribution and morphology of the genus and finances molecular (DNA) laboratory work. The Society consults with government on conservation.

Membership benefits include a journal (with articles on cultivation, botany, Cyclamen in the wild, and research results), an annual seed distribution and access to a panel of experts. The four competitive shows provide an opportunity to meet other members, buy plants and publications and get advice from experts.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Daffodil Society

Established in 1898, the Daffodil Society is the specialist society of Great Britain for all who are interested in the genus Narcissus. It aims to promote the whole of the genus Narcissus, the botanical name for daffodils and narcissus, but uses the more common name of daffodil.

The Daffodil Society is open to everyone. Its membership includes keen gardeners, horticultural and gardening societies, professional growers, botanists, enthusiastic flower show exhibitors and daffodil lovers in general.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Delphinium Society

The Delphinium Society is a registered charity with members worldwide. It was established in 1928 to promote the growing of delphiniums by means of educational, instructional and advisory services to its members. In 2024 it celebrated its 96th anniversary.

In 2014 the Society set up a plant donation scheme to raise the profile of delphiniums, and has provided significant numbers of plants to gardens open to the public around the UK. A list of these sites can be found on its website. It is the Society’s intention to continue this scheme while funds permit.

The Society has an active Facebook group, which, over the past year, has doubled to more than 10,000 participants.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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European Boxwood and Topiary Society UK

The European Boxwood and Topiary Society is a not-for-profit, pan-European organisation with active groups in the UK, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, as well as members around the world. Its aim is to encourage and enhance knowledge, cultivation and conservation of boxwood and topiary through visits, publications, promotions, exhibitions and scientific research.

The Society’s varied membership includes garden designers, historians, writers, scientists, nursery owners, professionals and amateurs.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of events.

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European Palm Society

Founded in 1991, the European Palm Society (EPS) champions and is dedicated to the growing of palms and other exotic plants across Europe and other temperate regions. The EPS is affiliated to the International Palm Society. It recognises that many areas of the world experience similar climates to those in Europe, and therefore welcomes the sharing of experiences and knowledge from growers worldwide. The main goal of the EPS is promoting the pushing of boundaries in growing palms and exotics outdoors. It also encourages the cultivation of tropical and subtropical species in homes, conservatories and glasshouses.

Members communicate and share experiences through its website, discussion forum, Facebook page and by garden visits. An online archive of its former journal, Chamaerops, and other documents relevant to growing palms and exotic plants are available. Members can also share pollen to raise pure seed of less common species and develop potentially ornamental gardenworthy Trachycarpus hybrids.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Exotic Fern Group

The Exotic Fern Group is a community for enthusiasts of tropical, subtropical and indoor ferns. It brings together individuals who share a passion for these unique plants, offering opportunities to connect, learn and grow together.

Members enjoy regular newsletters, social visits to private fern collections and online presentations. It also organises trips to larger public fern collections. Members also benefit from access to fern and spore swap schemes, in order to expand and develop their own collections.

The Group is committed to supporting public botanical gardens that feature exotic ferns, advocating for both diversity and specialisation within their collections. It actively promotes the cultivation of ferns as houseplants. It also recognises the importance of preserving and documenting private and public fern collections across the UK and worldwide.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Fritillaria Group

The Fritillaria genus comprises about 160 species around the northern hemisphere. They grow in a variety of habitats from coastal cliffs to high mountains, and from seasonally wet habitats to semi-deserts. The Group’s members grow a wide range of species successfully, including those that thrive in the open garden and others that require more specific conditions and careful nurturing.

The Group was formed in 1997 to increase interest in the observation and culture of this fascinating genus. Today it comprises members from all over the world, including both amateur and professional gardeners, amateur and academic botanists, plant breeders, geneticists, ecologists and photographers who enjoy its diversity and beauty. The website includes an excellent guide to the genus.

2025 events
  • March: Spring Show and Conference
  • October: AGM and Conference

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Hardy Plant Society

This national charity encourages interest in growing hardy perennial plants. Members receive The Hardy Plant Journal and three newsletters a year. They are also invited to join local and special interest groups to share their passion for plants.

The Hardy Plant Society (HPS) website provides information about all its activities, regular blogs, image library and horticultural advisory service. Booklets and membership can be purchased there. The conservation scheme seeks to preserve older and less well-known cultivars and the seed distribution scheme offers around 2,000 varieties of seed donated by members. The Kenneth Black Bursary Scheme supports students and horticulturists working to further their education.

2025 events
  • 9 February: Galanthus Group meeting, Herefordshire
  • 30 March: Shade and Woodland Group meeting, Devon
  • 7 June: Ranunculaceae Group meeting, Oxford
  • 14 June: Peony Group meeting, Derbyshire
  • 13 September: National AGM and lecture day, Derbyshire

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Hardy Plant Society – Special Interest Groups

Within the Hardy Plant Society (HPS) are a number of Special Interest Groups, with members ranging from beginner to expert. For a small membership fee you can receive newsletters and attend an annual lecture day with a guest speaker and garden visit.

Galanthus Group
A must for snowdrop enthusiasts, Group members brave the cold and meet in February to admire the diversity of these gorgeous bulbs and for a chance to buy some of the more unusual cultivars.

Hardy Geranium Group
There really is a geranium to suit every garden and hardy geraniums have been voted the HPS’s favourite flower. Most are easy to grow and propagate providing flowers from spring to autumn.

Peony Group
Whether your interest lies with species or garden cultivars, you can learn more about these beautiful plants from knowledgeable members who share a passion for these sumptuous summer flowers.

Ranunculaceae Group
This group of plants includes anemone, clematis, delphinium and thalictrum. It gets its name from ‘rana’, the Latin for frog, because many like damp conditions, but are adaptable and widely grown.

Pulmonaria Group
With flowers that can be red or white as well as the typical blue and pink on the same stem, pulmonarias are the perfect foil to spring bulbs. The foliage is usually variegated and can look good into autumn.

Shade and Woodland Plants Group
Every garden has a shady spot, whether under trees or overshadowed by buildings. From hardy ferns to delicate trilliums, find out just how many beautiful plants can thrive in shady areas.

Variegated Plants Group
Variegated plants are often used as a focal point or to lighten a shady area. This Group encourages the use of unusual variegated forms and is responsible for introducing a number of firm favourites.

Hebe Society

The Society was formed in 1985 to promote the cultivation and conservation of Hebe (shrubby Veronica) and New Zealand plants in the UK and abroad. Most of its members are in the UK, though it also has branches in Europe, USA, Australia and New Zealand.

The Society has established National Plant Collections of Hebe in Sussex, Yorkshire and Kent and supports their ongoing conservation. Its website contains full descriptions of Hebe and a wide range of New Zealand plants. It is now the regional coordinator for the UK and Europe for new registrations of Hebe cultivars. In time, this will also include registration for all cultivars of New Zealand plants.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Herb Society

With a strong tradition of promoting the use and enjoyment of herbs going back more than 95 years, the Herb Society works to bring together and represent those who have an interest in herbs either for health, through medicinal, culinary and practical use, or from an artistic, historical or folklore perspective.

The Society prides itself on helping to increase the understanding and use of herbs for health and wellbeing and providing a worldwide forum for the exchange of ideas and information. It welcomes members of all levels of knowledge from amateur to professional.

The Society supports a number of education and community projects around the country. Corporate packages are available upon request.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Historic Roses Group

The Historic Roses Group (HRG) is a plant society with a worldwide membership. It aims to encourage interest in timeless and beautiful older roses – the ancestors of all modern cultivars – and enable everyone to grow and enjoy roses of the past today. The HRG celebrates the importance of unique older roses of historic value, rose species and their hybrids, plus rare or unusual garden roses no longer widely grown.

Members meet regularly for exclusive day visits to gardens with interesting roses, and every year a five-day tour is organised to gardens of note in the UK or abroad. Information on historic roses, suggestions on what to grow and where to buy them, HRG publications for sale, and HRG events are all on the website.

Members can request help on identifying old roses by contacting the HRG online or on Facebook or Instagram. Twice a year they receive its Historic Rose Journal with articles on the history and cultivation of older roses by specialists and researchers into rose history.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Japanese Garden Society

The Society was founded in 1993 and is a registered charity to educate the public about Japanese gardens and support the construction, maintenance and restoration of Japanese gardens. In addition to national activities, five regional groups across the UK organise local events, which can be attended by all members.

Members can learn about Japanese garden designs through the journal, members-only area of the website and online lecture programme. These explore the culture and history of Japanese gardening traditions, offer advice about building Japanese-style gardens, and suggest ways to introduce Japanese plants and features into gardens. The Society runs garden visits across Britain and overseas. Members can attend national and regional events such as lectures, skills workshops, garden visits and visits to specialist nurseries.

The Society welcomes amateurs and professionals, garden lovers and garden designers who are interested in Japanese gardens and wish to share their interests with like-minded people.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Mammillaria Society

Based in the UK but welcoming members from all over the world, the Society focuses on the largest genus of the cactus family – Mammillaria – and its allied genera: Acharagma, Cochemiea, Coryphantha, Escobaria (now Pelecyphora), Kadenicarpus, Rapicactus, Thelocactus and Turbinicarpus.

Originating from Mexico and the southern United States, Mammillaria are mostly small, spherical cacti that flower in a ring around the plant, and often grow into small clumps. Many species can successfully be grown on a windowsill with good light.

The Mammillaria Society seeks to support enthusiasts in growing these lovely plants, and in particular to help in their conservation. With a growing membership of around 300 enthusiasts around the world, it will be delighted to welcome you to the Society.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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The Maple Society

The Maple Society is dedicated to furthering the knowledge, supporting the conservation and promoting the culture of all Acer species. It welcomes experts and amateurs from around the world and encourages discussion, promotes education and shares information. This is done through a quarterly journal, expert-led garden tours, online talks and a triennial symposium.

The Society supports the environmental protection, scientific study and conservation of maple species. Most recently, these efforts ensured a successful collaboration with Botanic Gardens Conservation International to produce The Red List of Acer, a definitive report on the conservation status of maples in the wild.

The British branch of The Maple Society – The Maple Society of Britain and Ireland (TMSBI) – is open to all, from those with a small courtyard garden growing a few trees in containers to arboretum owners; from Japanese maple collectors to bonsai practitioners; from members of the scientific community to anyone simply looking to learn more about these most remarkable trees.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Mediterranean Garden Society

Founded in Greece in 1994, the Mediterranean Garden Society focuses on the conservation of water and the use of drought-resistant plants to create beautiful and sustainable gardens in summer-dry climates. It has a much-visited internet forum, open to members and non-members, where contributors post a wide range of information on Mediterranean plants.

The headquarters of the Mediterranean Garden Society is at Sparoza, a 2.9 acre estate in Attica, Greece, the property of the Goulandris Natural History Museum. Here it maintains an important garden in which the principles of waterwise, climate-compatible gardening are put into practice and plants are constantly tested for their ability to withstand drought, providing a valuable model in these days of climate crisis.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Mediterranean Plants and Gardens

Mediterranean Plants and Gardens is a cooperative mutual support group for amateur and professional horticulturists. It has more than 450 members throughout the world, but mostly in the UK.

In 2025 it is organising visits with specialist guides to Elba in Italy, Albania, Northern Cape and Western Cape in South Africa, Cyprus and the gardens of Provence in France. There are also online talks and, this year, a June garden tour of Fife in Scotland. Events are open to members only.

Members may apply for bursaries to help them take part in an MPG event or to help fund research or activities relating to Mediterranean plants and gardens. More information is on the website.

2025 events
  • March / April: The flora of Elba, Italy
  • May: Wild flowers in Albania
  • June: Garden tour of Fife, Scotland
  • August: Northern Cape and Western Cape, South Africa
  • October: Gardens of Provence, France

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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National Auricula and Primula Society – Northern Section

Formed in 1872, the Northern Section has members all over the world and is always happy to welcome new people. Its more experienced members are on hand to encourage and advise on how to achieve the best in growing, and hopefully showing, auriculas and primulas.

The Society holds three shows each year and a full day seminar AGM, all free to members. It has plant sales at these events with plants supplied by members that are mostly unavailable elsewhere. The website is accessible to members and contains pictures, contacts, help and more, and our archive and library hold books and other specialist literature.

2025 events
  • 5 April: Primula and Auricula Show
  • 24–27 April: Members’ Plant Display, Harrogate Spring Show
  • 4 May: Auricula and Primula Show
  • 10 May: Northeast Show
  • October: AGM

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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National Auricula and Primula Society – Southern Section

The Society was formed in 1876, by and for enthusiasts who raised and showed auriculas, gold-laced polyanthus and other primulas. Some are rare and difficult to grow, others are well-known garden plants.

Auriculas, primroses and polyanthuses have been grown in the UK since the 16th century. Auriculas in particular enjoyed enormous popularity with growers and exhibitors in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The Society welcomes both experts and novices who want to share their passion for these fascinating plants. Their shows, with plant sales, take place three times a year. Members stage their plants in the morning and displays are open to the public in the afternoon.

2025 events
  • 8 March: Early Primula Show, Great Bookham, Surrey
  • 5 April: Primula Show, Great Bookham, Surrey
  • 19 April: Auricula Show, Great Bookham, Surrey
  • 11 October: Autumn meeting and AGM, Great Bookham, Surrey

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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National Chrysanthemum Society

Founded in 1846, the National Chrysanthemum Society is a registered charity and its primary objective is to promote the cultivation of Chrysanthemum. The Society focuses on educating members and affiliated societies on the cultivation of all types of Chrysanthemum through its publications, exhibitions and lectures.

The Society hosts two national shows at the Staffordshire County Showground each year. There are also shows hosted by regional groups and local societies. Affiliated memberships are offered to local horticultural societies who wish to offer NCS medals and certificates of merit at their shows.

The Society offers a warm welcome for those new to growing and those who wish to improve their knowledge, as well as those who want to be introduced.

2025 events
  • 22 March: AGM, Tamworth, Staffordshire
  • 6–7 September: Early Show, Staffordshire County Showground
  • 31 October–1 November: Late Show, Staffordshire County Showground

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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National Dahlia Society

The world’s largest dahlia society, the National Dahlia Society promotes dahlias through exhibitions, trials and conferences. Its main national exhibitions are at RHS Garden Wisley in Surrey and Newby Hall in North Yorkshire, with displays at other shows around the country.

The Society holds two annual conferences, where members can hear world-class speakers, buy plants and tubers of all the latest and best cultivars, and chat with other enthusiasts. The Society keeps its members informed on every aspect of dahlia news with two annual publications. New members receive a classified directory (containing lists of recommended cultivars, rules for showing dahlias and addresses of more than 200 local societies affiliated to the NDS) and the muchacclaimed publication Dahlias For You.

2025 events
  • March: Conference, Midlands
  • March: Conference, Cumbria
  • 2–7 September: National Show, RHS Garden Wisley
  • September: National Northern Show, Newby Hall, Ripon, North Yorkshire
  • September: Malvern Autumn Show

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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National Sweet Pea Society

Founded in 1900, the National Sweet Pea Society is a registered charity dedicated to these wonderful flowers. The Society aims to share its knowledge of sweet peas and other Lathyrus species, and to improve and extend their cultivation. This includes holding annual scientific trials, hosting national exhibitions twice each year, and creating displays at RHS and other flower shows. The Society also supports around 100 affiliated societies in the UK and Ireland by organising regional and local contacts and meetings.

At least four publications are produced each year, exclusive to members.

2025 events
  • 21–22 June: Early Show, Webbs Garden Centre, Frilford, Oxfordshire
  • 12–13 July: Late Show, RHS Garden Bridgewater

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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National Vegetable Society

A registered charity, the National Vegetable Society focuses on educating individual members and affiliated societies on the cultivation of all types of vegetable. It does this through its various publications, exhibitions, research and by staging competitions.

Members include some of the foremost vegetable growers in the UK, and their experience and expertise is freely available to other members. The Society is a great place to start for those new to growing vegetables, those who wish to improve their knowledge, or those who simply want to meet other growers to share tips and advice.

2025 events
  • 15–16 August: National Championships, Ayr Racecourse, Scotland

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Nerine and Amaryllid Society

The Nerine and Amaryllid Society is for all those with an interest in plants of the Amaryllidaceae family. Its main focus is on nerines, but the family includes many popular plants such as daffodils, snowdrops, agapanthus and alliums, and less well-known plants such as scadoxus.

Run entirely by volunteers, the Society organises visits, study days and talks, supports research, holds a bulb exchange twice a year, and publishes a journal three times a year.

The Society is keen to encourage beginners by offering advice and access to a wide range of plant material through its bulb exchange.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Orchid Society of Great Britain

Founded in 1951, the Orchid Society of Great Britain aims to promote the cultivation of orchid species and hybrids. It publishes a beautifully illustrated quarterly journal on the habitats, conservation, breeding, cultivation and history of these plants.

In-person and online meetings are held regularly with lectures, plant competitions, sales and judging. The Society also holds biannual shows and exhibits at a range of national and international shows and events, and has an annual plant auction. Information on all lectures, shows and events can be found on the Society’s website.

2025 events
  • 12 April: Spring Show, Squire’s Garden Centre, Shepperton
  • 20–24 May: RHS Chelsea Flower Show
  • 12–15 June March: International Orchid Show at BBC Gardeners’ World Live, NEC, Birmingham
  • November: Autumn Show

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Pelargonium and Geranium Society

The Pelargonium and Geranium Society was formed in 2009 and membership is open to amateurs and professionals and anyone with an interest in pelargoniums and geraniums.

A registered charity, its objectives are to advance the knowledge of growing plants in the family Geraniaceae by promoting good practices at annual shows, competitions, meetings and lectures.

Its annual show is taken to a different area of the country each year and is usually set within one of the RHS Gardens.

2025 events
  • 21 June: National Show, RHS Garden Bridgewater

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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Plant Heritage

Plant Heritage is the only national charity focusing on plant conservation to ensure the cultivated plants we grow now will be available to future generations for cultural, medical, culinary and aesthetic use.

The National Plant Collections are at the heart of the charity’s work, each creating a unique living plant library representing the diversity of our garden plants. In addition, the Plant Guardian scheme encourages individuals to get involved in plant conservation by nurturing one or more rare or unusual plants.

A network of local groups around the country offers access to rare and unusual plants through plant fairs, talks, visits and a free annual plant exchange.

Plant Heritage asks you to share your plant passion by joining them and helping support plant conservation.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

Get in touch
RHS Fruit Group

The RHS Fruit Group is a special interest group consisting of a friendly bunch of gardeners with a particular interest in growing fruit. Joining the Group is open to all members of the RHS, on payment of an annual subscription.

Come along to one of its regular meetings at RHS Garden Wisley to exchange ideas and take part in talks and demonstrations from experts and professionals in the fruit-growing world. The Group also arranges visits for members to gardens, orchards, fruit farms, nurseries and sites of fruit-growing excellence. 2025 marks its 80th anniversary and it is planning an exciting programme of talks, visits and special events to celebrate this milestone.

Over the years the Group’s members have made a great contribution to the range and quality of fruit grown in British gardens. It aims to continue to support, advise and guide anyone with a particular interest in growing fruit.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

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RHS Lily Group

Created in 1931, the Group encourages the cultivation of lilies and nomocharis, as well as erythroniums and fritillaries. It recently participated in a three-year trial at RHS Garden Wisley of more than 200 commercial hybrids and species.

The Group’s seed list contains the widest range of Lilium species available anywhere in the world. It holds an annual bulb auction (UK members only) where members have the chance to bid for rare bulbs, many not commercially available. Amateur or professional, you are welcome to join the Group to learn more about how to grow lilies from seed to flowering bulbs. Members can join online presentations and events where knowledge and experience is shared. These cover subjects such as lilies in the wild and cultivating rare species and gardenworthy hybrids.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of group events.

Get in touch
RHS Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Group

With its origins in 1915 as the Rhododendron Society, the Group can claim to be one of the world’s oldest plant societies. It linked with camellia and magnolia enthusiasts more than 40 years ago, and now has a worldwide membership dedicated to the study and enjoyment of the three essential genera in the classic woodland garden.

Its thriving regional branches and national events, together with its internationally respected publications, online lectures and informal talks, lively social media and renowned annual seed list offer something for every rhododendron, camellia and magnolia lover, whether interested amateur or dedicated professional.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

Get in touch
Rose Society UK

The Society was formed to support the growing, showing and enjoyment of all roses. Members enjoy many benefits. The Rose Society UK offers affiliate membership to local horticultural societies and provincial flower shows in order to award its Bronze Medal for excellence in rose cultivation.

The Society has information stands at many of the country’s major flower shows and offers free advice to the UK’s rose lovers. Members can also take part in annual weekend social events and pruning workshops.

The Rose Society UK is committed to helping everyone to successfully grow and enjoy the nation’s favourite flower.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

Get in touch
Scottish Rhododendron Society

A Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society, the Scottish Rhododendron Society welcomes all those interested in rhododendrons and their cultivation. Its annual rhododendron show, competition and exhibition, held in the last weekend of April, is open to all and both species and cultivars can be exhibited and are judged by experts.

Tours of approximately one week have included the west coast of Scotland, English counties, southern Ireland and Germany, with north west America in the future. With its sister organisation, the Rhododendron Species Conservation Group, the Society also organises lectures and study weekends.

2025 events
  • 26 April: Annual Show and Exhibition, Gibson Hall, Garelochhead, Argyll

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

Get in touch
Scottish Rock Garden Club

Scotland’s biggest garden club has an enthusiastic international membership of people interested in all kinds of smaller hardy plants and bulbs, often in traditional rock gardens, raised beds and troughs. Membership offers contact with other enthusiasts through online and social media presence, shows, conferences, local groups and a journal, The Rock Garden, with excellent articles and illustrations.

Members can share seeds of thousands of plants via a seed exchange and interact through the Club website with its friendly forum and wealth of resources, including Ian Young’s Bulb Log and the monthly e-magazine International Rock Gardener. Grants for students and relevant projects are offered.

2025 events

Please see website for full details of shows and events.

Get in touch
Abutilon ‘Leila Jackson’ © Plant Heritage
Abutilon ‘Leila Jackson’

Rosa It’s a Wonderful Life (‘Dictwix’) (rose It’s A Wonderful Life)

Plant Society events at RHS Gardens

Keen to get in on the action? Plant societies are involved in a range of horticultural events and exhibitions throughout the year at all five RHS Gardens:

Display of hostas
A stunning showcase of hostas at an Plant Society event

Discover these exciting events that offer plant socieites the opportunity to host competitions, dazzle visitors with stunning plant displays and photography, introduce rare or new species, and share their expertise through engaging workshops and demonstrations. Visitors can even take home unique plants and discover more about the passionate communities behind these societies.

Get in touch

If you represent a plant society or group and would like to join work with the RHS as a Plant Society, please contact RHS Partnership Coordinator Vanessa Penn.

Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.