Within the Hardy Plant Society (HPS) are a number of Special Interest Groups, with members ranging from beginner to expert. For a small membership fee you can receive newsletters and attend an annual lecture day with a guest speaker and garden visit.
Galanthus Group
A must for snowdrop enthusiasts, Group members brave the cold and meet in February to admire the diversity of these gorgeous bulbs and for a chance to buy some of the more unusual cultivars.
Hardy Geranium Group
There really is a geranium to suit every garden and hardy geraniums have been voted the HPS’s favourite flower. Most are easy to grow and propagate providing flowers from spring to autumn.
Peony Group
Whether your interest lies with species or garden cultivars, you can learn more about these beautiful plants from knowledgeable members who share a passion for these sumptuous summer flowers.
Ranunculaceae Group
This group of plants includes anemone, clematis, delphinium and thalictrum. It gets its name from ‘rana’, the Latin for frog, because many like damp conditions, but are adaptable and widely grown.
Pulmonaria Group
With flowers that can be red or white as well as the typical blue and pink on the same stem, pulmonarias are the perfect foil to spring bulbs. The foliage is usually variegated and can look good into autumn.
Shade and Woodland Plants Group
Every garden has a shady spot, whether under trees or overshadowed by buildings. From hardy ferns to delicate trilliums, find out just how many beautiful plants can thrive in shady areas.
Variegated Plants Group
Variegated plants are often used as a focal point or to lighten a shady area. This Group encourages the use of unusual variegated forms and is responsible for introducing a number of firm favourites.