New pink-flowered choisya

A British-bred choisya - small and colourful - is set to delight gardeners

Choisya ternata, the Mexican orange blossom, has long been famous for its wonderful scent and its long flowering season. But in every selection and hybrid the flowers have always been pure white, or with just the slightest pale pink tint. Not any more. Now we have Apple Blossom (‘Pmoore09’), a hybrid from top plant breeder, Peter Moore.
Choisya Apple Blossom (‘Pmoore09’Each flower of Apple Blossom has a dark pink calyx which splits to reveal pink buds. Those buds then open to white flowers which retain their pink colouring on the back. Each flower head is a lovely combination of pink and white blossom.
Apple Blossom has other fine qualities. Slower-growing than most, this choisya reaches only about 1.2m (4ft) in height in ten years. Also, its evergreen foliage is narrower and more finely cut, with a more delicate appearance than Choisya ternata, and is attractive even when the plant is not flowering.

British Breeder

Peter Moore has been working on choisyas since he made his first crosses in 1982. He is still developing new selections.
'In 1982 I crossed C. ternata with C. arizonica,' he told me. The result was the highly acclaimed Choisya 'Aztec Pearl'.

Choisya Apple Blossom (‘Pmoore09’'In 1985 I set out some goals to make choisyas even better. I  wanted a new gold with fine leaves and achieved that with Goldfingers (‘Limo’). I wanted a hardier and more compact cultivar, more suitable for smaller gardens  that flowers for a long period. I achieved this with White Dazzler (‘Londaz’)'.
'Raising a choisya with pinker petals was the next step. Now I have one with a profusion of scented pink and white flowers. But I still have goals to achieve' he says.

I for one am looking forward to Peter Moore's next new choisya.

Buy Choisya Apple Blossom


Images ©Richard Loader. Thank you.

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