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Our plant trials search to identify the best plants for your home & garden, with the very best awarded the Award of Garden Merit.
Top picks of plants new to the market from plant expert Graham Rice
An award-winning rose named after Peter Seabrook
A groundbreaking new series of bugles
Plant of the Year 2023 winner
Plant of the Year runner-up
Plant of the Year third place
The first to mix purple foliage & deep red blooms
A variegated dogwood that shines in all seasons
A new shade and scaled-down size perfect for pots
An all-rounder crab apple with mini-pumpkin fruits
A favourite grass, now with a striking red perm
A dwarf sunflower that really delivers
Better flowers, foliage, habit and season
New, colourful twist on a classic evergreen
Unique and striking flower-foliage combination
Finally, three colours are easy to grow from seed
The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.