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Miniature hostas

Diminutive and without the tendency to spread of the larger types, these miniature hostas are excellent alongside ferns, mosses and hardy cyclamen in a shady rock garden or in shallow troughs.


Small leaves appear from below ground in early spring. They have the same variety of leaf shape as larger hostas but include types with deeply cupped leaves (such as ‘Blue Mouse Ears’).


They prefer soil that does not dry out in summer, but appreciate good drainage, in a lightly shaded position. Top containers with gravel.


They will not do well in a very sunny position where the soil or potting compost dries out. They dislike wet soil around the roots in winter.

Did you know?

Growing miniature hostas in shallow pans or troughs restricts the roots and reduces the overall size of the plant. However, this is a case of naturally small hostas being encouraged to be a bit tinier, rather than like making really big plants small as with bonsai.

Growing guide

Miniature hostas we recommend

Buy hostas from RHSplants.co.uk

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Useful advice

Perennials: dividing

Perennials: dividing

Shade planting: annuals, bulbs and perennials

Shade planting: annuals, bulbs and perennials

Slugs and snails

Slugs and snails



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