© RHS / Joanna Kossak



Aromatic grey-green leaves and colourful peeling bark make eucalyptus a popular ornamental tree. There are many species, in various sizes, to suit almost any garden situation. They are easy to grow, adaptable and generally need little maintenance.


Eucalyptus trees are easily recognised by their blue-green, silvery or glossy green leaves and peeling bark. They form elegant trees, of various sizes, with a light canopy. The small fluffy flowers are typically white or cream.


Eucalyptus enjoy basking in the sun. They prefer free-draining soil, in a warm, sheltered location. Most will grow happily in a large container until they grow too large for their confines.


These trees dislike shade, waterlogged soil and exposed, cold, frost-prone sites. Once settled in, they don't enjoy being moved.

Did you know?

The small fluffy flowers are rich in nectar, so are a magnet for bees and other pollinating insects. In the tree's native Australia, its nectar may also be enjoyed by birds, bats and possums, while koalas famously feast on the leaves.

Growing guide

Eucalyptus we recommend

Buy eucalyptus from RHSplants.co.uk

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Useful advice

Eucalyptus: pruning

Eucalyptus: pruning

Plants for under trees

Plants for under trees

Trees and shrubs: planting

Trees and shrubs: planting

Trees for smaller gardens

Trees for smaller gardens

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