Growing guide

How to grow cymbidium orchids

Cymbidiums are bold, colourful orchids for a bright room, producing spires of exotic blooms from late autumn to spring. They like slightly cooler conditions than many other houseplants, and bloom best after a few months outside in summer.

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Quick facts

  • Tender flowering houseplant
  • Exotic blooms from late autumn to spring
  • Like bright light, but shade from strong sun
  • Keep at 10–24°C (50–75°F)
  • Move outdoors in summer, to stimulate flowering
  • Grow in bark-based orchid compost

All you need to know

Before you get started
Ongoing care
Pruning and training
While we think all this information will be helpful to you, we always recommend to read the instruction labels on your plants.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.