© RHS/Georgi Mabee



Botanical name: Goeppertia, Ctenanthe, Stromanthe

Common name: prayer plant, calathea

With paddle-shaped leaves in an array of striking patterns and colour combinations, these easy-to-grow houseplants are perfect for creating an urban jungle feel.


A clump-forming perennial plant with a lush, tropical appearance. Leaves emerge from rolled-up spikes, unfurling as they mature. Some plants have soft, velvet-textured leaves or tall, colourful flowers.   


Grow these plants indoors in bright but indirect light. An east-facing windowsill is ideal, or behind frosted glass in a bathroom.  


Keep out of direct sunlight in summer as this will scorch the leaves. Overwatering can also cause poor leaf development and root rot.

Did you know?

The common name of prayer plant refers to the ‘nyctinastic’ habit of these plants – in daylight the leaves open flat but at night they flex upwards and together, as though in prayer.      

Growing guide

Calatheas we recommend

Useful advice

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Houseplants for different locations

Houseplants: holiday care

Houseplants: holiday care

How to grow houseplants

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How to help a poorly houseplant

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.