
Flowering cherry trees for small gardens

With delightful spring flowers and beautiful forms, many ornamental cherries make ideal small garden trees

Many flowering cherry trees are a good bet in smaller plots, and these selections in particular are perfect for small gardens. They cast only light shade (perfect conditions for spring

bulbs emerging beneath), don’t get hugely tall, and many have lovely autumn colour too.

Perfectly formed

The deep pink flowers of ‘Kursar’ make a strong statement
Prunus ‘Kursar’ is a beautiful small tree that was raised by Captain Collingwood Ingram. Ingram was affectionately known as ‘Cherry Ingram’ because of his lifelong interest in flowering cherries – especially Japanese cherries. He was responsible for breeding many of those grown at RHS Wisley and for reintroducing the great white cherry, Prunus ‘Taihaku’ to Japan after finding a plant growing in Sussex.

Blushing bride

The intricate pink-stained anthers add to the charm of Prunus ‘The Bride’
Prunus ‘The Bride’ is a small cherry tree, which has a dense shrubby growth habit, and is smothered with large single white flowers in spring. The anthers of the flowers are vibrant red which stands out well against the white petals. Even in winter this tree possesses a certain beauty with its distinctive silhouette against a dark sky.

Multi-season interest

Prunus ‘Accolade’ blooms profusely in spring and has a vibrant show of autumn leaves
During April, Prunus Accolade’ is covered in masses of large light pink semi-double flowers. It will also add value to your garden during the autumn when its green leaves turn a vivid rich orange-red colour. This cherry has a spreading growth habit which means it has a broad canopy. Consider growing bulbs beneath for an eye-catching contrast.

Perfect for pots

The distinct zig-zag stems of form ‘Kojo-no-mai’ make a big visual impact
Prunus ‘Kojo-no-mai’ is a delightful small cherry which is steady-growing and compact, making it suitable for growing in containers. Its branches have a fascinating, zigzag growth habit and these are covered in small, white flowers, blushing to pink. In autumn this cherry will reward you with great foliage colour, giving multi-seasonal interest.
Top tip! Create pretty vase displays

Cut a stem or two when in flower and add them to vases accompanying spring bulbs such as scillas and hyacinths

Colour-changing blooms

Japanese cherry ‘Shogetsu’ gives gardeners generous clusters of blossom from late spring
Prunus ‘Shogetsu’ is one of the finest Japanese cherries and has a wide spreading growth habit. Its large double pink flowers hang from the branches in clusters, providing a breathtaking display. The double pink flowers quickly fade to a beautiful pure white so that the spectacle of pink blooms makes way for a cloud of white.

Young beauty

The young, bronze leaves of Prunus ‘Pink Perfection’ look handsome with the bright pink buds 
Prunus ‘Pink Perfection’ is a charming cherry tree which has bright, double pink flowers hanging in drooping clusters from the branches. The leaves are a delicate bronze colour when young, before turning green and then a bright fiery red and orange in the autumn.

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