
How to grow the perfect wisteria

Love wisteria but worried about its wayward habits? Plantsman Graham Rice offers advice on which to choose and how to grow them

Wisterias are beautiful. Their long colourful cascades of flowers are truly show-stopping and almost everyone who sees one in its prime would like one for the garden. But having a wisteria can be daunting. A 6m (20ft) height is nothing for a wisteria so for many gardens they’re just far too big. Or are they?

There are two factors to consider that will help you grow your own wisteria.

1) Choose the right variety

Wisteria 'Multijuga'
Wisteria 'Prolific'
Always buy a named variety. Unnamed plants may have been grown from seed and take 15 years to flower – life’s too short. 14 varieties of wisteria have been awarded the Award of Garden Merit (AGM), and there are many more, so there’s plenty of choice in purple-blues, blues, pinks and white and many are fragrant – a few even have double flowers.

Varieties of Wisteria sinensis have the benefit of flowering in May and June before the leaves develop and start to mask the display. ‘Prolific’ is outstanding, living up to its name with 30cm (12in) racemes of bluish-violet flowers that all open together for a dramatic effect. ‘Jako’ is white and strongly-fragrant, ‘Amethyst’ is reddish-violet; all these are ideal on a house wall.

The longest racemes of flowers belong to the fragrant lilac W. floribunda ‘Multijuga’; they can be 1m (3ft) or more in length but the plant needs to be allowed to grow high to show them off. Scaling a huge ladder to prune is not everyone’s idea of gardening. I once saw ‘Multijuga’ allowed to scramble up, unpruned, a mature Lombardy poplar – that was a sight.

Also consider ‘Domino’, whose two-tone lilac-blue racemes (flower clusters) are among the shortest, but appear on very young plants.

Wisteria 'Burford'

Wisteria 'Murasaki-kapitan'
The largest individual flowers come with the silky wisteria, W. brachybotrys. Although they come in short racemes, the scent of many varieties is exceptional. The plants, however, are amongst the most vigorous. Selection ‘Showa-beni’ is the best pink of all, ‘Murasaki-kapitan’ is an exceptionally fragrant violet-blue.

Finally, look out for two hybrids, both with two-tone violet flowers. ‘Burford’ has flowers in 45cm (18in) racemes while ‘Caroline’ has short racemes but is one of the earliest. For further information on wisteria cultivars, read the wisteria trial report from our AGM plant trial. 

2) Prune wisteria regularly

A wisteria trained as a standard makes a beautiful focal point in May and June
Pruning is necessary twice a year to promote flowering and to contain the plants in the space available. Follow the RHS pruning recommendations. Alternatively, there’s another approach: train your wisteria as a standard, making a small tree. These can even be grown in a large container.

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