
10 award-winning (AGM) evergreen shrubs for dry shade

Areas of dry shade in a garden may seem like a challenge but there are plants that will enjoy it

The challenges for plants, of course, are lack of light and lack of moisture. Evergreens make the most of whatever light is available all the year round, and because they can grow in mild winter spells, they can make the most of winter rains. Digging some

compost into the soil before planting, and installing a soaker hose to get plants through dry spells will really help plants get established and thrive. But as always, choosing the right plants in the first place is key. These RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) winning evergreen shrubs have proved successful in dry and shady situations.

Spots or not

Small, red-purple flowers in spring are followed, on female plants, by clusters of red autumn berries

Writing back in 1914, in the first part of his monumental four volume encyclopedia Trees And Shrubs Hardy in The British Isles, W. J. Bean says, of Aucuba japonica:

“Even under a beech, lime or horse chestnut, where grass will not grow, it maintains a cheerful aspect. This means, of course, that it can not only manage without direct sunlight, but can fight its way against the roots of its big neighbours.”

Which is another way of saying how good it is in dry shade. Spotted female forms such as Aucuba japonica ‘Crotonifolia’ bring red berries and colourful foliage while Aucuba japonica ‘Rozannie’ has no spots but is compact and fruits prolifically. 1-1.5m (3-5ft). Hardiness rating H5.

Small but impenetrable

‘Corallina Compacta’ is a spiny dwarf evergreen shrub of rounded habit, with stiff, narrow, dark green leaves and rich orange-yellow flowers

If what you need is a small evergreen that develops an impenetrable twiggy mass of spiny growth – perhaps to deter next door’s corgi from invading your garden or to prevent the postman cutting a corner – then Berberis × stenophylla ‘Corallina Compacta’ is the shrub for you. The small green leaves are sharply spined at the tip and in April masses of tightly packed clusters of orange-yellow flowers line the branches followed by blue-black berries. Wear gloves when planting. 40cm (16in). Hardiness rating H5.

All shapes and sizes

This is a plant portrait of Buxus sempervirens ‘Elegantissima’ with its narrow, white-margined, dark green leaves

Box is a favourite for hedging and topiary, often planted in full sun where it can suffer in dry soils and hot summers. In dry shade, however, it thrives once established and a quick look at the AGM winning varieties reveals an unexpected variation in form. The

variegated Buxus sempervirens ‘Elegantissima’ (1.2m) makes an attractive rounded bush, with pretty cream margins to the leaves; Buxus sempervirens ‘Graham Blandy’ (1.6m) is slender and upright while Buxus microphylla ‘Faulkner’ (60cm) develops broad and spreading growth with leaves in a bright fresh green. Hardiness rating H5.

The poet’s laurel

Danae racemosa is an elegant evergreen shrub with glossy green foliage

This compact, almost bamboo-like shrub has the distinction of its branches lasting longer when cut that those of any other shrub. I found that as one selection of accompanying flowers were removed to the compost heap, followed by another, the dark shining foliage of Danae racemosa, carried on stout green stems, looked as good as when it was first cut. And after hot summers small red berries develop towards the tips of the shoots. The name “poet’s laurel” refers to the crowns of interwoven branches of Danae racemosa, as well as bay (Laurus nobilis), worn by respected members of ancient Greek society, especially poets and winners at the Olympics. 60cm (2ft). Hardiness rating H5.

Lush leaves

Fatsia japonica is traditionally grown as a houseplant

Despite its tropical looks, the false castor oil plant, (Fatsia japonica) is actually pretty hardy and often does particularly well in dry, shady spots as they tend to be sheltered too. Traditionally grown as a houseplant, it thrives if planted outdoors in the ground or on its own in a large pot as a statement plant. Can grow to 3m or more (approx 10ft) but is easily pruned to size. 2.5–4m. Hardiness rating H5.

Essential ivy hybrid

This lax medium-sized evergreen shrub has small white flowers in globose clusters

Crossing our familiar native ivy with an exotic, bold fatsia with its large dramatic foliage – and then adding

variegation – gives us × Fatshedera lizei ‘Annemieke’, and it’s quite something. In spite of not having aerial roots to help it climb and without the fatsia strength to support itself, it makes bold ground cover and tied in to a shady fence makes a striking specimen. The soft glow of the golden green central leaf colouring is so much more restful than the colouring of plants with more flamboyant variegation. 1m (3ft). Hardness rating H3.

Vibrant colour for shade

Also called Oregon grape ‘Apollo’, this plant is characterised by abundant deep yellow flowers in large clusters

Mahonia aquifolium does well in this most inhospitable garden situation and is less susceptible to the mildew that often troubles plants grown in the sun. Mahonia aquifolium ‘Apollo’ is the variety to go for as each cluster has more deep golden yellow spring flowers than the straight species and more berries to follow. Low growing, it spreads well. 60cm. Hardiness rating H5.

Still useful after all these centuries

A compact, dwarf cultivar of this British native plant. Like the species, the “leaves” are actually flattened shoots, known as cladophylls, bearing a sharp spine

With foliage so resilient that in the eighteenth century butchers used it to scour their blocks, butcher’s broom (Ruscus aculeatus) is extraordinarily resilient. This uncommon native of southern England makes slowly spreading clusters of upright stems, clad in rich dark green foliage. Its undistinguished flowers are followed by long lasting bright red berries in late summer and autumn. Plants are usually male or female but Ruscus aculeatus ‘John Redmond’ (pictured) is hermaphrodite and produces berries with no male plant nearby. 40cm. Hardiness rating H5.

Winter fragrance

‘Dragon Gate’ is a compact shrub bearing small, scented, cream flowers in winter followed by red berries in summer

Sarcococca, sometimes known as the Christmas box, is one of our finest fragrant winter shrubs but is much less well known than, say, the fragrant winter viburnums, because its flowers are less flamboyant and tend to be hidden amongst the leaves. Sarcococca ruscifolia var. chinensis ‘Dragon Gate’ flowers dependably at Christmas, and its leaves are narrower than those of the usual form so the flowers are less hidden. Also, to my eye, they’re a purer white, less cream, than other forms. Discovered by Roy Lancaster near the Dragon Gate Grotto and Dianchi Lake, above the Chinese city of Kunmin in Yunnan province. 60cm. Hardiness rating H5.

Golden pillar

Taxus baccata ‘Standishii’ is a good choice for rockeries and small gardens and makes and ideal patio plant

Well, which do you prefer? Bright gold in sun, with a noticeable tendency to scorch, or a little less brilliant in shade but no sun damage? Taxus baccata ‘Standishii’ is one of the finest golden-leaved conifers with eye-catching foliage which keeps its colour all year-round. Slow growing, tightly compact and very upright in growth its makes a striking specimen carrying distinctive dark red fruits – and that red flesh is the only part of the whole tree that’s not poisonous. 1m (3ft). Hardiness rating H5.

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