When autumn arrives, gardens and landscapes transform into a vivid tapestry of colours, with many plants revealing their most stunning features. Among these, certain shrubs stand out not just for their foliage, but for the vibrant and long-lasting berries they produce, often persisting well into the winter months. Take a look at these RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) plants we’ve highlighted here and select a few for your garden.
Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii ‘Profusion’ is a shrub that captures our attention for the unusual violet colour of its berries, which is perhaps why birds only turn their attention to it late in the season. ‘Profusion’ also has lilac flowers in late summer and bronzed spring foliage – which colours again in autumn. Easy in sun or partial shade. 2m (6ft 6in). Hardiness rating H5.
Clerodendrum trichotomum var. fargesii is one of the most startling of autumn fruiting shrubs, and unique in its colouring. The pea-sized bright blue berries are backed by pinkish magenta lobes. Bears highly scented white flowers in summer. Happy in most soils in a little shade, or in sun with adequate moisture. 2.5m (8ft). Hardiness rating H4.
Many cotoneasters carry a generous crop of red berries but few are as dependable and as tough as this one. Cotoneaster ‘Cornubia’ is quite a large cultivar, with fruits which are carried in such huge clusters that they weigh down the branches. Partially evergreen, so the foliage makes an attractive background to the fruits without hiding them. 3m (10ft). Hardiness rating H6.
This colourful selection of our native spindle has two special features. Firstly, its autumn leaf colour is spectacular, a vivid scarlet. Also, Euonymus europaeus ‘Red Cascade’ produces far more fruits than on the original wild type. Each fruit features a rosy red capsule which opens to reveal bright orange seeds. Happy on most soils, including chalk. 2.5m (8ft). Hardiness rating H5.
Long known as Pernettya, these acid-loving evergreens feature berries in a wide range of colours. Gaultheria mucronata ‘Bell’s Seedling’ not only has large dark red berries set against glossy dark green leaves – it’s also self-fertile, unlike most other cultivars, so it does not need a separate male plant for pollination. The berries last right through the winter. 90cm (3ft). Hardiness rating H6.
The sea buckthorn is a colourful British native shrub with deciduous silver leaves and orange berries through the winter. It’s very adaptable and tolerant of poor soil, exposure and sea spray. Hippophae rhamnoides ‘Leikora’ bears generous crops of tasty berries which are packed with vitamins A, C and E. It prefers plenty of sun and needs a male plant for pollination. 3m (10ft). Hardiness rating H7.
Pyracanthas can suffer from scab and canker so it’s important to choose resistant cultivars. Not only is Pyracantha Saphyr Rouge (‘Cadrou’) resistant to both diseases, but it’s more upright in growth and shorter than many and so fits well into smaller gardens. Pyracantha is also a favourite nesting shrub for birds. 2m (6ft6in). Hardiness rating H6.
So many roses feature colourful autumn and winter hips that making a choice is difficult. Rosa ‘Geranium’ has the rich, bright red flowers followed by larger than usual crimson hips, and is a little shorter than others of this type, fitting better into many gardens. Ideal at the back of a mixed border. 2.5m (8ft). Hardiness rating H7.
Viburnum davidii is one of the best evergreen viburnums. Its low spreading habit makes ideal groundcover, and its large, dark green leaves are a good background for the clusters of small white flowers. But the glory comes with the gorgeous turquoise autumn berries; cross-pollination provides the most fruits, so always plant at least three. Happiest in sun, but not too dry. 80cm (2ft6in). Hardiness rating H5.
Viburnum opulus ‘Xanthocarpum’ is a spectacular form of our native guelder rose. In summer, the white lacecap flowers are set against maple-like foliage, followed in autumn by clusters of golden yellow, almost translucent berries that last well into the winter before finally feeding the birds. Grows well in damp soils in sun or a little shade. 2.5m (8ft). Hardiness rating H6.