Ultimate height
0.5–1 metresTime to ultimate height
2–5 yearsUltimate spread
0.5–1 metresGrowing conditions
Moist but well–drainedpH
Acid, Alkaline, NeutralColour & scent
Stem | Flower | Foliage | Fruit | |
Spring | Green Red | Green | ||
Summer | Green Red | Green | ||
Autumn | Green Red | Green | ||
Winter |
- Full sun
South–facing or West–facing
Exposed or Sheltered Hardiness
H5Botanical details
- Family
- Polygonaceae
- Native to GB / Ireland
- No
- Foliage
- Deciduous
- Habit
- Bushy
- Potentially harmful
- Harmful if eaten, except cooked leaf stalks. Wear gloves and other protective equipment when handling. Pets: Harmful if eaten, except cooked leaf stalks - for further information and contact numbers regarding pets, see the HTA guide to potentially harmful plants
- Genus
Rheum are robust rhizomatous herbaceous perennials with large, simple or palmately lobed leaves and tall leafy stems bearing large panicles of tiny flowers
- Name status
How to grow
Grow in deep, moist, humus-rich soil. Mulch with manure in spring; avoid covering the crown. Keep watered in dry summers and divide every five years to maintain vigour. See rhubarb cultivation for more detailed advice
Propagate by division of established crowns in late autumn or early spring
Suggested planting locations and garden types
- Low Maintenance
Harvest sparingly in the first year. Remove any flowerheads that may develop. Allow the foliage to die back naturally in autumn then cut away the old leaves to expose the growing points to winter cold
May be susceptible to stem and bulb eelworm, swift moth caterpillar, and to slugs and snails on young growth
May be susceptible to honey fungus, downy mildews, grey mould, crown rot and virus diseases
Get involved
The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.