Martyn and Dylan’s friendship story

Dylan (right) and Martyn taking a well-earned break

Martyn Curtler volunteers with Wimborne Community Garden in Dorset. Here we learn about his friendship with Dylan, a student, who hadn’t gardened before.

Wimborne Community Garden is affiliated to Beaucroft College, which is a Foundation Special School that caters for children and young people between the ages of four and 19 who are experiencing learning difficulties, including complex needs, and those with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

The garden is situated on land belonging to Beaucroft College and opened in April 2022. Prior to the college opening in June 2023, students used to visit once a week from the parent school coming to help volunteers in the garden and learn some gardening knowledge.

Wimborne Community Garden – a place for the community to come together, share skills and grow food

Vegetables from the community garden are used in the school’s student-run café

That’s when I first met Dylan. As it was spring time there was a lot of cultivation work for Dylan to get involved in. At the time he had no knowledge of how to hold a garden fork and had never sown seeds before. He made it clear he really liked working with me and over the weeks quite a friendship developed with us exchanging jokes.

“As the season progressed, there was a long row of ripening peas, which Dylan had not encountered before. I showed him how to pop the pod to see the peas inside and of course to eat them raw. Dylan certainly developed this new skill, eating far too many!”

As with all friendships, each side gains a huge amount. With my friendship with Dylan, I have been introduced to his family, friends and fellow students to the extent that when the students are walking past the garden many of them now shout out comments to me.

“He has become a valued friend of us all at the community garden. One of the nicest memories I have was when Dylan wrote an essay at college about why he liked working at the Wimborne Community Garden.”

Thank you, Dylan, very much for your friendship and I wish you all the very best for the future.

Dylan says:

I like working with Martyn and learning about gardening. I like talking to Martyn and other people at the garden, it makes my heart melt. It is hard work, but I enjoy it. A big thank you to Martyn and Jane for letting me help Martyn. I have a lot of fun... I can’t wait to do a lot more.

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