
Our onsite caterers are Company of Cooks. They are a trusted supplier who are experienced in delivering successful event catering.

Company of Cooks

Company of Cooks are the preferred supplier at Wisley when booking an event at the Terrace Restaurant, Garden Room and Glasshouse Restaurant.

Company of Cooks believe in menus that feature an honest approach, with simplicity, seasonality and quality at the core. They are passionate about supporting independent, regional growers and producers and build their menus around vegetables and salads grown at RHS Wisley. When the quality of ingredients are good, the flavours of the dishes speak for themselves.

Should you wish to hire the Waterlily Pavilion, Glasshouse, Hilltop or an area of the Garden - you are welcome to bring your own caterer (subject to approval by the Functions Team). Please see our supplier page for details of caterers we would recommend.

If you'd like to find out more about catering at RHS Wisley Gardens, please contact our helpful event team.

Contact us

01483 212349

[email protected]

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.