Why should I garden with the environment in mind?
Eco-friendly gardening has many benefits for both people and planet, and you can make a difference in even the smallest garden
A totally paved front garden has no environmental benefits and actually causes harm by increasing flooding risk and reducing biodiversity. So get planting!
Plants such as ivy can not only help keep your house cooler in summer and warmer in winter, while trees and hedges also reduce flood risks, capture carbon from the air and produce oxygen. Healthy soil can lock in lots of carbon too, helping keep it out of the atmosphere. What more could you ask for?
Either reducing or completely eliminating your use of garden chemicals is a really positive step for human and environmental health. It will save you money too.
Nature is incredibly powerful and great at regenerating itself; simple steps like taking a more relaxed approach to cutting your lawn can bring in a whole host of wildlife and some surprising wildflowers too.
Learning about key natural cycles (like those of carbon and water) and how ecosytems work is a great step on the way to being an eco-friendly gardener.
How to look after soil
How to manage water
Planting for the environment