Plants for coastal gardens with foliage and flower interest

Plenty of plants, of a variety of shapes, sizes and colours, thrive in coastal areas, so it's possible to create a full and attractive border even in these sometimes challenging conditions

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Plants with silvery and hairy foliage can cope better with coastal winds
Plants with silvery and hairy foliage can cope better with coastal winds

Quick facts

  • Plants in coastal areas need to be able to cope with salt ladened winds
  • Plants often have adaptations such as waxy leaves or hairy foliage
  • Choosing the right plants will ensure they are healthy and at their best

The planting plan

James Lawrence, RHS Principal Horticultural Advisor, has designed this simple, attractive, and most importantly, sustainable, border design for you to try at home with plants that are easy to grow, widely available and look good together.
This planting design provides a range of plants that once established will thrive in an environment exposed to drying, salty winds while still providing a variety of interest throughout the year. 

Plants for coastal areas

Choosing plants for coastal areas

The main function of this scheme is to provide plants that can thrive under coastal conditions which may include salt spray carried inland on strong winds.
Plants such as Phormium, Griselinia and Crambe, have thick waxy foliage to help protect the leaves and to reduce stress caused by the weather exposure. The Tamarix has small scale-like leaves which, with a reduced surface area, make it less likely they are stripped of moisture in windy conditions. The Echinops and Eryngium have silvered leaved helping to protect the leaf surface and reflect strong light.
The groundcover Erigeron helps protect and cover bare soil thereby reducing erosion and the wind’s drying effect on exposed soil. They will also help prevent unwanted plants from self-seeding by covering areas of bare earth.Additional organic mulching can further help with soil moisture retention and weed suppression.
1 - Griselinia littoralis 
2 - Tamarix ramosissima ‘Pink Cascade’ 
3 - Echinops ritro ‘Veitch’s Blue’ 
4 - Erigeron karvinskianus 
5 - Crambe cordifolia 
6 - Eryngium x zabelii
7 -  Phormium ‘Sundowner’ 

1 - Griselinia littoralis is a fast-growing large evergreen shrub with bright green, rounded glossy leaves.
2 - Tamarix ramosissima ‘Pink Cascade’ is an arching, deciduous shrub with reddish branches clothed with tiny scale-like grey-green leaves. Small pink flowers in long feathery plumes are borne in late summer and autumn.
3 - Echinops ritro ‘Veitch’s Blue’ is an herbaceous perennial, with jaggedly-divided, prickly dark green leaves, whitish beneath. It has violet-blue flower heads on silver-green stems through the summer.
4 - Erigeron karvinskianus is a perennial forming a low-growing carpet, with hairy leaves and masses of daisy-like flowers, opening white but soon adopting a pinkish-purple flush.
5 - Crambe cordifolia is an herbaceous perennial with large bold, dark green, lobed leaves and branched sprays of small, scented white flowers in summer.
6 - Eryngium x zabelii is an herbaceous perennial with spiky, highly-divided, silver-green foliage. Stiff, branched stems are topped with blue, thimble-shaped flowerheads surrounded by a ruff of prickly, silver-blue bracts.  
7 - Phormium ‘Sundowner’ is an evergreen perennial forming a clump of erect strap-like bronze-green leaves, striped towards the margins with red and pink.  

About coastal areas

Coastal gardens can often be more exposed to wind which can strip moisture from the plants. Salt spray can also be carried on the wind and this can affect many plants that are not resistant. Coastal locations can also often be warmer and dryer than some inland locations so this can also be a factor in choosing plants.
A simple planting plan helps create depth, interest and good coverage in a border.

The challenge of coastal areas

Coastal locations can sometimes be challenging but by choosing plants that are adapted to the wind, salt and often dry conditions of coastal locations you can keep your border looking good and growing well. However, they will need watering whilst they grow new roots and establish themselves.
If you have room, it will help to make some shelter from the main wind direction. An extra wind break of shrubs will provide this and/or use a brushwood screen whilst they establish. A fence or a sturdy wall may be an option.

Why choose a sustainable planting combination?

Using the ethos of 'right plant, right place' to create a sustainable planting combination is great for the environment. It helps avoid waste and the use of products and practices needed to help ailing plants, such as watering and the application of fertiliser. It also creates a robust, long-lived planting that benefits soil health and garden biodiversity.

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