Plant out young plants

Learn how to dig a small hole and plant out a young plant to the correct depth and spacing.

Plug plants
Plug plants
Learning objectives
  • Learn how to digging holes and plant at the correct depth and spacing for individual plants
  • Learn how to use tools such as trowels, dibbers, and rulers, for accurate planting
  • Understand the importance of watering, hardening off, and bed preparation
  • Understand how spacing, watering, and labeling support healthy plant growth
Curriculum links
  • Science: Learn plant growth requirements (water, light, space) and observe growth
  • Design & Technology: Practice measuring and tool use for planting tasks
  • Geography: Explore sustainable garden management
  • PSHE: Build teamwork and responsibility through shared planting tasks

Key vocabulary

Seeding | Planting | Spacing | Rootball | Soil | Trowel | Watering | Growth

Preparation and equipment


Gather tools and plants, water plants well so they are easy to remove from pots.

Check the plants have been ‘hardened off’ and are ready to plant out (usually about 5–10cm tall).

Check bed is prepared (weed free, dug over and raked level).


  • Seed packet of plants
  • Trowels
  • Dibbers
  • Spacing rulers
  • String
  • Kneelers
  • Labels
  • Pens
  • Watering can
  • Seedlings to plant

Step by step

  1. Find out the correct spacing to plant out the young plants along the row and between the rows by looking at the seed packet of your plants
  2. Using a ruler or string, mark out the row by drawing the edge of the trowel along the ruler
  3. Using a trowel or dibber, dig a small hole in the marked row, being careful to place the soil next to the hole. If the soil is very dry, water the hole
  4. Gently remove the young plant from the pot or module by squeezing the bottom of the pot to loosen the root ball, then inverting the pot so that the young plant gently falls from the pot into your hand
  5. Place the young plant into the hole, making sure the plant is not too deep in the hole. Back fill around the plant with the soil excavated. Gently firm around the plant
  6. Work along the row and continue planting by digging the next hole at the correct distance along the row
  7. Water the plants in and don’t forget to label the row

Hints and tips

  • For small plug plants with small root balls use a dibber to make the planting hole
  • Use the length of the trowel or dibber to measure spacing between plants

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