Learner stories

The RHS has been nurturing professional horticulturists at its gardens for more than 100 years. Find out how some of our current and recent learners started on their horticultural journeys

A love of horticulture

The names of the RHS courses and qualifications have evolved over time, but our commitment to quality, work-based training has remained constant. Read the stories of some of our current and recent learners who are studying and working in our RHS Gardens.


Professional Work Placements

Diploma Students

Work-based training at RHS Gardens

For more information about work-based training at RHS Gardens, please check the work-based training page.

Applications are now open for:

  • Professional Work Placements (PWPs) at all five RHS Gardens

Applications are now closed for:

  • RHS Level 3 & 4 Diploma at RHS Garden Wisley
  • Apprenticeships at all five RHS Gardens

More on work-based training

Past RHS Learners – where are they now?

Past RHS learners currently work in botanical and private gardens, in publishing, for local authorities, and provide horticultural advice and education. Read the stories of a few of our learners who have studied in our RHS Gardens and find out what happened next on their horticultural journeys.

“My training at the RHS meant I had a strong horticultural basis to build my career upon.”

Helen Bostock, Senior Horticultural Advisor, RHS

Next steps in horticulture

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.