Become an approved centre

We are the accredited awarding body for RHS Qualifications, empowering learners with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in horticulture. Only centres approved by us can promote and carry out the teaching, assessment and examination of RHS Qualifications

Our qualifications

Our highly regarded qualifications are offered from Levels 1 through to Level 3, with clear progression routes for learners who wish to broaden their skills for personal interest or seek entry and progression within the horticultural industry.

Why become an approved centre?

  • Robust and regulated syllabus
  • Flexible part-time study
  • Highly regarded Industry qualifications
  • International brand recognition and currency
  • Inexpensive centre approval fee
  • No minimum annual spend

  • No minimum learner numbers
  • Small and approachable
  • Dedicated key contact
  • Direct dial telephone contact
  • Simple approval process
  • Ongoing support and centre consultation events

“We’re really proud of being an approved centre. The RHS qualifications are a really good fundamental set of courses – our range of students reflects how they are all things to all people, and it is great seeing the whole industry get behind them so well too.”

Gregory Kenicer PhD, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

How to become an approved centre

Step 1: Check suitability

We welcome applications from all types of providers, large or small, including schools, colleges, gardens and private providers. First, check that you meet the below criteria to become an approved centre and the guidance on physical resources and staff required for practical qualifications:

Step 2: Application process
If you think you meet the criteria, please email, who will provide you access to our secure portal, where you will find further information and be able to access the application form.

If you are new to the requirements of an awarding organisation, we can assist you with guidance and templates to populate with your centre information.

Please note that once the application process begins, if you decide to withdraw at any time the centre will be required to pay the relevant approval fee.
Step 3: Desk audit
Once we receive all your evidence, we will then undertake an independent desk audit to ensure that everything is in order.
Step 4: Site visit
On completion of a successful desk audit, we may require a site visit. We will arrange a mutually convenient date to visit your centre, to ensure that you have all the physical facilities in place to offer our qualifications.
Step 5: Approval
On completion, we can grant approval. You will then be able to promote RHS qualifications. We will list your centre on our Find a Centre page, if open to the public.

Please note that RHS Qualifications is required to monitor the work of its approved centres to ensure they continue to meet the requirements of being an approved centre. As part of the monitoring process, we may request that a monitoring visit be made to an approved centre.

Policies and procedures

To ensure fairness, impartiality and quality, all centres need to be aware of our Approved Centre policies. This information can be found under the ‘RHS Qualifications’ heading on our RHS Policies and Statements page.

Fees for approved centres

  • Qualification Approval Fee – this is a desk-based review per qualification (Level and title): £150
  • Additional review of evidence – this includes the desk-based review of evidence that was not satisfactory at initial submission: £150
  • Site Visit Fee – if required as part of the qualification approval, or approval of a new delivery site: £350

  • Approved Centre Annual Fee – to cover all qualifications approved for due on the 01 Sept each year – running to 31 August the following year: £250
  • Qualification Extension – this includes the desk-based approval to add additional qualifications to your existing offer: £150

Please note that once the application process begins, if you decide to withdraw at any time the centre will be required to pay the relevant approval fee.  

Further information

If you have further questions regarding becoming an approved centre, not answered above, please contact the team and we will be happy to talk to you.

Speak to the team


Useful information

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.