Writing reports

Read our tips for writing your RHS Bursary Report. All reports are held in the Wisley Garden Library to inspire others wishing to apply

All RHS bursary recipients are required to provide a formal report in electronic format within three months of completion of their project.

What to include in your RHS Bursary Report

  • Be typed with the main body of the report limited to 2,000 words
  • Include a title page with author’s name, project title and date of project
  • Include a contents page with numbered pages for each item
  • Ensure all content is relevant and use clear and concise language
  • Include a brief introductory paragraph about participants and the reasons why the particular trip/expedition/work placement etc. was chosen by them
  • Contain an overview of the project – its main aims and objectives
  • Include the itinerary/areas (of research) covered with brief resume of locations visited
  • Give details of any work programme undertaken where appropriate
  • Contain no typographical errors and adhere to the botanical convention for the naming of plants
  • If appropriate, include photographs (images to be 150-300 dpi maximum, JPEG high quality), maps or diagrams (all with captions) and other visual data such as figures and tables; these can, if necessary, be included as appendices
  • Describe problems encountered (if any) and how they were resolved
  • Provide a summary and conclusion as to whether aims and objectives were met and what was learnt/gained from a personal and horticultural perspective
  • Outline future plans generated (if any) and recommendations for further study tours, expeditions, etc to the area(s) concerned
  • Provide (as an appendix) a final budget breakdown which acknowledges the RHS bursary funding received, shows how RHS bursary funding was spent; and gives details of any other funding received. Please remember that RHS Bursary reports are public documents and should therefore not include personal financial information
  • Use the Harvard system of referencing for references and bibliography regarding sources you have used in your report; an explanation of the Harvard system can be found here
  • For those whose bursary was to attend a conference, include a copy of the conference programme with a personal critique of the conference content and speakers.  If the bursary recipient gave a presentation at a conference, details of this should also be included and if your contribution is published, please acknowledge the support from the RHS Bursary
Reports must be submitted as PDF documents and their size limited to 15mb. They should be completed within three months of your project completion - should you have problems meeting this deadline, please inform the Bursaries Co-ordinator: bursaries@rhs.org.uk. Failure to submit a report may mean you are barred from future bursary applications
Please note: projects with more than one participant need only submit one report, but please include a personal contribution from each participant giving an individual overview of the project.

What happens to my RHS Bursary Report?

Bursary reports are assessed each year by a judging panel drawn from members of RHS staff associated with Botany, the Lindley Library, and Media. A shortlist of reports is then prepared for final assessment by members of the RHS Bursaries Committee.  Two prizes are awarded: the major prize of £500 is given to the individual whose report is considered to reflect the highest standard of report writing; whilst the £250 prize goes to the person who is judged to have personally gained the most from undertaking his/her project.
All bursary reports are held in the Library at RHS Garden Wisley for reference by staff, students and members of the public, thus providing complementary reading for anyone undertaking a similar project in the future.

Read our special guidelines for the Dawn Jolliffe Botanical Art Bursary and photographic artwork projects

Completed reports

Please send reports to:

Rowena Wilson, Bursaries Co-ordinator, RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey GU23 6QB
Tel: 01483 479719
Email: bursaries@rhs.org.uk


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