Mint moth
Mint moth caterpillars feed on a range of small herbaceous plants in the mint family. Their presence can be tolerated by gardeners and the adult moths, with their reddish-purple wings delicately marked with gold, are a common sight in the herb garden.

Quick facts
Scientific name Pyrausta aurata
Plants affected mints (Mentha species), marjoram (Origanum vulgare), meadow-clary (Salvia pratensis), lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), catmint (Nepeta cataria) and calamints (Calamintha spp.).
Caused by caterpillars
Timing spring and summer
What is mint moth?
- Caterpillars of this moth can be found feeding on several common garden plants
- Young growth at the shoot tips is often damaged, leaves may be curled over, small amounts of fine webbing and tiny black pellets of caterpillar excrement will be present
- Caterpillars grow up to 13 mm long before pupating
- Caterpillars vary in colouration, ranging from shades of pale green to a reddish/purplish brown, whatever the background colour there are two paler stripes running longitudinally down the back and regularly spaced groups of small black spots
The presence of the caterpillars of this moth rarely cause significant damage in gardens and it can usually be tolerated, on a healthy plant there are usually unaffected leaves that can be used. Caterpillars and associated moths are important as a food source for other garden wildlife and so should be preserved where possible.
- Where possible tolerate populations of caterpillars, as butterflies and moths are an important part of the garden ecosystem
- Encourage predators and other natural enemies in the garden such as birds, hedgehogs and ground beetles
- Check susceptible plants regularly from late April for the presence of larvae and remove by hand where practical
- Heavily affected shoots can be cut back this will also stimulate new growth
See also...
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