Hemerocallis gall midge can affect the ability of daylilies to produce healthy flowers. New to Britain in 1989, the midge is now widespread in England and Wales and is established in parts of Scotland.
Hemerocallis gall midge is a tiny fly that lays eggs on the developing flowers
A bud is a small, undeveloped shoot that contains the potential for new growth. Buds are typically found on stems, where they can be apical (found at the tip) or axillary (found between leaf axils) and may develop into leaves, shoots or flowers.
Seen the hemerocallis gall midge or its effects? We would like to know.
As part of RHS research we would like to know where the hemerocallis gall midge has been seen.
Please submit your records via our hemerocallis gall midge survey (expected time to complete survey = two minutes).
Thank you to everyone who has submitted records so far. Discover other sightings you can report to help our research here.
If the foliage of daylilies appears normal but the flowers abnormal in the ways described below, hemerocallis gall midge is almost certainly to blame:
Hemerocallis gall midge affects the flowers but not the general health of host plants.
Pick off and destroy galled buds as soon as they are seen. Encourage other gardeners who grow daylilies in nearby gardens to do the same. Damage from this insect comes to an end by mid-July.
Hemerocallis cultivars that have all or most of their flowering period after the end of gall midge’s egg-laying period (May-July) are often unaffected.
Hemerocallis gall midge has one generation a year. Adult midges emerge in May-June and lay eggs on the developing flower buds of daylilies.
The larvae feed inside the buds, causing them to develop abnormally. Instead of being long and slender, flower buds are shortened and have an enlarged conical shape. The larvae are up to 3mm long and almost transparent, which can make them difficult to see in the watery liquid that accumulates between the petals in the base of the bud. Nearly 400 larvae have been found in a single flower bud; this is likely to be the progeny of more than one female midge.
When fully fed, the larvae go into the soil, where they overwinter inside silk cocoons. Galled flower buds either rot or dry up without opening.
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