Pea moth

Pea moth caterpillars feed inside pea pods but the damage is often only spotted at harvest. Consequently, the pods need to be shelled with care to avoid contamination.

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Pea moth (<EM>Cydia nigricana</EM>)
Pea moth (Cydia nigricana)

Quick facts

Common name Pea moth
Scientific name Cydia nigricana
Plants affected Garden peas
Main symptoms Small creamy white caterpillars eat the peas inside the pods
Caused by Caterpillars of a small moth
Timing Late June-August

What is pea moth?

Pea moth is a small (15 mm wingspan), grey-brown moth whose larvae (caterpillars) feed in the pods of garden peas.


  • When pea pods are opened for shelling, one or more creamy white caterpillars, up to 14 mm long, with dark dots on the body may be found eating into the peas
  • There are piles of caterpillar excrement (frass) near the damaged peas


If pea moth has been a problem in previous years consider management options before sowing peas. 

  • Peas can be grown under horticultural fleece, insect-proof mesh, to prevent female moths laying eggs on the plants. Peas are self-pollinating and so excluding bees and other pollinators with fleece will not affect the crop
  • Quick-maturing cultivars that are sown early or late and which flower outside of the egg laying period of the moth (June and July) should remain un-infested. Similarly mange-tout types of pea, where the pods are eaten before the seeds develop, should not be affected


Adult pea moths emerge in June-July, when the females seek out pea plants on which they lay their eggs. They are attracted to pea plants that are in flower.

After hatching, the caterpillars bore into the developing pea pods and begin feeding on the seeds. When fully fed in mid to late summer, the caterpillars leave the pods and go into the soil to pupate.

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