Growing guide

How to grow freesias

Brightly coloured flowers make freesia amongst the prettiest of plants and they are great for long-lasting cut flowers. Prepared corms planted outside in April will flower in late summer or they can be grown in a cool greenhouse for spring flowering. Here's all you need to know to get the best from these lovely plants. 

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Quick facts

  • Grown from corms (bulbs)
  • Popular cut flower with captivating scent 
  • Ideal for containers 
  • Plant bulbs in autumn 
  • Grow outside in mild districts or city centre locations
  • Increase your stock by planting corm offsets or sowing seed
  • Freesia are available in indvidual flower colours with single or double blooms

All you need to know

Before you get started
Ongoing care
Pruning and training
While we think all this information will be helpful to you, we always recommend to read the instruction labels on your plants.

Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.