
RHS to be peat-free by 2025 as it experiments with farmed sphagnum moss

We have committed to being 100% peat-free by 2025 as we trial alternative responsibly sourced growing media.

Peatlands, from which peat is harvested, are the world’s largest carbon store, and provide valuable ecosystems for wildlife. As such, we have long championed the use of peat-free growing media and over the next few years will be trialling sphagnum moss from sustainable sphagnum farming, anaerobic digestate, forest co-products, and waste materials to achieve peat-free status.

RHS Gardens are currently 98% peat-free, with the exception of some rare and exotic plants. We also stopped selling peat-based bagged compost in 2019, and from 2025, all plants sold in our retail outlets and on display at our Shows will be peat-free.

The commercial horticulture industry is required to be peat-free by 2030 but, with an estimated two million cubic metres of peat to be replaced, we are calling for greater Government support in helping industry make the transition to responsibly sourced alternatives. This includes:

  • Providing capital investment, infrastructure allowances and fiscal incentives to help growing media manufacturers and growers update their equipment, facilities, and processes and increase their production and use of peat alternatives 
  • Continued support for the Responsible Sourcing Growing Media Scheme 
  • Removing red tape attached to waste products that could be developed by growing media manufacturers as peat alternatives 
  • Investing in research and development into the production of alternatives to overcome specialist plant and plug plant production and to address supply chain issues 
  • Linking Defra’s Tree Strategy to the new Peat Strategy to increase the volume of wood products available as a raw material and peat replacement

 We are also calling on gardeners to go peat-free by:

  • Buying peat-free compost 
  • Composting to create home-made soil improver, or putting garden waste in council bins for wider use 
  • Sharing peat-free successes, tips and advice with friends and family

We are surveying our over 600,000 members to better understand awareness of the issue and any perceived barriers to becoming peat-free. We have published new information on caring for soil and peat alternatives.

In September 2023, we published our first Industry Peat-Free Survey Report, assessing and documenting the progress of the horticultural industry’s transition to peat-free, as well as providing insights into perceived barriers and recommendations to Government.

From this survey we also published our first list of 100% peat-free nurseries, to help inform the purchase of more sustainably grown plants.

Alistair Griffiths, Director of Science and Collections at the RHS, said: “Our work reveals that the UK’s 30 million gardeners are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their gardens and as part of that are seeking out sustainable alternatives including peat-free products.”

However, the challenge for industry in finding a replacement for the two million cubic metres of peat used should not be underestimated and is why Government support will be crucial in helping to protect this precious resource and ensure our plots are truly green.

Rebecca Pow, former Environment Minister, said: “This is a welcome and important commitment from the Royal Horticultural Society, and it is tremendous to see such innovative alternatives being trialled. Restoring and protecting peat is vital if we are to have thriving ecosystems and a healthy planet.”

Government had committed to banning the use of peat in retail bagged compost in 2024, and its use in professional horticulture in 2026, with some exemptions to 2030. However, so far government has failed to put in place legislation for these bans, so it remains unclear when the use of peat in horticulture will be legally prohibited. The RHS remains committed to becoming 100% peat-free across all operations, including shows, gardens and retail, by the end of 2025. 

 In 2022, the RHS Science team appointed dedicated post-doctoral fellow Dr Raghavendra Prasad, who leads the RHS Transition to Peat-Free research project in collaboration with industry partners. This followed the appointment of the RHS’ first Soil and Climate Change Senior Scientist, Dr Marc Redmile-Gordon, in 2019.

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