RHS Growing Guides
How to grow grapes
Our detailed growing guide will help you with each step in successfully growing Grapes.
Getting Started
Grapes are becoming much more widely grown in the UK, with vineyards appearing on sunny hillsides in warmer regions, producing many award-winning wines. Grapevines (Vitis vinifera) also make an attractive feature in gardens, but for a successful crop of ripe grapes, they need a particularly warm, sheltered, sunny location or the protection of a greenhouse. Still, with our warming climate, the range of growing sites is ever expanding.
Grapevines are fast-growing climbing plants that need plenty of space. They will happily scramble over pergolas and arches, or can be trained along horizontal wires attached to sunny walls, fences, sturdy posts or the internal framework of a greenhouse. To get the best crop, vines need regular attention throughout the growing season, including careful pruning, training and fruit thinning.
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Dessert grapes need warmer temperatures to ripen well, so usually need to be grown in a greenhouse in the UK. In very warm sites, especially in southern England, selected varieties may ripen outdoors too. Seeded grapes tend to fare better than seedless varieties
Wine grapes can be grown outdoors in milder regions. The grapes aren’t usually too good to eat – they tend to be small, often with lots of seeds and a tough skin. Winemaking can be fun, but it can take skill to achieve good results
Within the two categories there are many varieties, offering white, red or black fruits, seeded or seedless, with different flavours, levels of sweetness, ripening times, hardiness and resistance to disease.
Take care to select a variety to suit your local climate and growing conditions, whether indoors or outside. Look in particular for varieties with an RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM), which shows they performed well in trials – see our list of AGM fruit and veg. You can also see many fruits, including grapes, growing in the fruit and veg plots in the RHS gardens, so do visit to see how they’re grown, compare different varieties and pick up useful tips.
What and where to buy
Grapevines are available in garden centres and from many online gardening retailers. For the widest choice of varieties, and the best advice on which will suit your location, go to specialist fruit suppliers. Grapevines are often sold as grafted plants, but rooted cuttings are also available. If you intend to plant a large number of plants, to start a small vineyard for example, buy vines grafted on a rootstock best suited to your soil type – seek advice from a specialist nursery.
Vines are sold as young plants, usually 30–60cm (1–2ft) tall, either container-grown or bare root (without a pot). Potted plants are available for most of the year, while bare-root vines are only available during the dormant season, from November to March, mainly from mail-order suppliers. Bare-root plants are usually cheaper than potted plants.
Recommended Varieties
Vines are best planted while dormant, between October and March, although spring is preferable to avoid winter damage to vulnerable young plants. Choose a very warm, sheltered, sunny site, at the base of a support such as a south-facing wall. Avoid locations prone to late frosts, which can damage new shoots in spring. Most soil types are suitable, preferably with a pH of 6.5 to 6.8, and the site must be free draining, never getting waterlogged. You can improve heavy or light soil by adding organic matter.
Before planting, put a good support system in place and enrich the planting area with garden compost or well-rotted manure, plus a general purpose fertiliser, at a rate of 100g (3oz) per square metre/yard.
Containerised grapevines should be planted at the same depth they were in the pot. Bare-root vines should be positioned so the first roots are just below the soil surface – use the soil mark at the base of the stem as a guide. If the plant is grafted, make sure the graft point on the stem is well above the soil surface. When planting against a wall or fence, position the vine at least 20cm (8in) from its base so there’s space for the roots to spread out. If planting more than one vine, set them 1.2m (4ft) apart. And if you have room for a mini-vineyard, ideally on a south-facing slope, space the rows 1.5–1.8m (5–6ft) apart, running north to south.
Also see our easy planting guides below.
Planting in a greenhouse
If you want to grow a grapevine under glass, it’s best to plant it just outside the greenhouse with its trunk and stems trained inside through a gap near ground level. Vines grown in this way rarely need extra watering and are easier to feed and manage. Vines can also be planted inside, directly into a greenhouse border or in a large container (see below).
When planting inside, the best position is at the far end, so the stems can be trained along the side of the greenhouse, parallel to the roof ridge, running towards the door. One vine is plenty for a small greenhouse – if planting more in a larger greenhouse, allow 1m (3¼ft) between each one.
Planting in a container
Plant Care
To fruit well and for the crop to ripen successfully, grapevines need regular attention throughout the growing season.
Water newly planted grapevines during dry spells in their first growing season to help them settle in. Grapevines planted inside a greenhouse need more frequent watering than those with their roots outside, as do vines growing in containers, which can dry out rapidly in warm weather. Vines planted at the foot of a wall may be sheltered from rain, so may need extra watering too.
With outdoor vines, apply a mulch of garden compost or well-rotted manure in late winter to suppress weeds and help to hold moisture in the soil. Apply when the soil is moist, in a layer 5–7.5cm (2–3in) deep. With a greenhouse vine, mulch the rooting area just before growth starts in spring.
To encourage fruiting, feed grapevines in early spring with a high potassium general fertiliser, such as Vitax Q4 or blood, fish and bonemeal. Scatter half a handful per square metre/yard around the base.
With greenhouse vines and those in containers, start feeding a month after growth starts in spring, using a high potassium liquid fertiliser, such as tomato feed, every two to three weeks. This may also be beneficial for outdoor vines too, particularly dessert varieties. Once the vine is in full leaf, increase feeding to weekly. Stop feeding when the grapes start to ripen and colour up, as extra feeding at this time may spoil their flavour.
Removing flowers and fruit
With newly planted grapevines, for the first two years after planting, remove all the flowers so the plant’s energy goes into getting well established. Then, in the third year, allow only three bunches of grapes to grow, and in the fourth year allow about five – or slightly more if the plant is growing well. After that, the vine should be well established and can crop fully.
You can improve the size, sweetness and quality of grapes by reducing the number of bunches on each stem, and even the number of grapes per bunch. The ideal amount of bunches per plant depends on the age of the vine and the training system you use – see our guide to pruning and training grapes. Reducing the number of grapes in a bunch encourages even ripening and improves air circulation, which reduces fungal diseases. But it’s a fiddly job, so is usually only worth doing on dessert greenhouse vines. Use vine scissors, which have long, narrow blades, or nail scissors, and carefully snip off about one in three grapes per bunch. Afterwards, check the bunches two or three times a week and remove any grapes that are diseased or damaged.
Greenhouse grapevine care
Ventilation and temperature
Grapevines like well-ventilated, warm, dry conditions, to deter fungal diseases and improve pollination. So keep the vents open in summer and autumn, especially around flowering and fruiting time.
Some varieties, such as ‘Muscat of Alexandria’, benefit from extra heat, so for these place a small fan heater in the greenhouse in spring (to aid growth) and in autumn (to aid fruit ripening). In September, gradually remove the leaves to expose the branches to sunlight and improve air circulation. In winter, don’t heat the greenhouse and ventilate it freely in still, cold, dry weather until early spring, as dessert grapes need a period of cold to induce dormancy.
Improving pollination
Greenhouse vines may need help with pollination. During flowering, at about midday on a sunny day when the atmosphere is dry and the greenhouse is well ventilated, either shake the stems briskly but firmly, or stroke a cupped hand over each bunch of flowers, to transfer pollen between them. The latter is a more reliable method for early season Muscat-type grapes, where pollination can be temperamental.
Removing tendrils
Consider removing the tendrils of indoor vines as soon as they appear, as they tend to get tangled up with the fruits and they help shoots to scramble off in wayward directions, making pruning and training more fiddly.
Grapevines can be grown from hardwood cuttings taken in late autumn or winter. Softwood and semi-ripe cuttings can also be taken from late spring to mid-summer. While it is also possible to grow grapevines from pips, it’s a slow process and the resulting plant is likely to produce lower quality fruit than its parents. Commercially, grapevines are often propagated by whip-and-tongue grafting on a rootstock.
Pruning and Training
The main pruning should be done in early winter, while vines are dormant, then regular maintenance (pinching out unwanted shoots, removing leaves shading the fruits, and fruit thinning) should be carried out throughout the growing season to keep them in good shape, healthy and fruiting well. For full details, see our guides below.
Grapes ripen from late summer to late autumn, depending on the variety and weather conditions. Dessert grapes are ready for picking when they feel soft and taste sugary. The skin of white grapes often changes from deep green to translucent yellow and becomes much thinner. But the best way to tell when grapes are ripe is by tasting them – harvest them only when they’re at their sweetest, as they won’t ripen any further once picked. Cut the whole bunch with the stalk still attached.
Although wine grapes can be eaten fresh, they tend to be small, fairly acidic and have thicker skins, so they’re better pulped and made into wine.
You can also use young vine leaves in cooking, to make stuffed vine leaves, or dolmadas, and other similar dishes.
Grapevines need warm, sunny conditions to crop well in the UK, and late frosts can damage new shoots, which can reduce fruiting. Vines are prone to several fungal diseases that can affect their vigour and cropping – see our guide to grapevine diseases. Birds and wasps can also severely damage crops.
If dessert grapes are disappointingly small and pippy, then in future try reducing the number of bunches. This should lead to larger, better quality grapes.
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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.