Types of weed control

Non-chemical control

  • hoeing weeds

    Suppress unwanted weeds by planting with groundcover plants. Choose species such as Euonymus, Ballota, Pachysandra, Vinca, Bergenia, Waldsternia. More plant suggestions
  • Fork or dig out perennial weeds and hoe off annual weeds
  • Hoe when the weather is dry so exposed roots will dry out quickly
  • For weeds growing within plant stems and roots lift the plant and divide it, so you can clear out weed roots and underground weed stems.
  • Further information on non-chemical weed control

Chemical control - weedkillers

safe sprayingContact weedkiller

  • Kills the part of plant which is touched by it
  • Fast acting
  • Suitable for annual weeds
  • Less suitable for perennial weeds

Systemic weedkiller

  • Moves within the sap stream so kills the whole plant: roots, leaves and stems
  • Suitable for annual and perennial weeds
  • Apply using a ready-to-use spray gun, or stick, containing glyphosate, which allows careful control of application.

Residual weedkiller

  • Enters plants through the roots
  • Kills weeds below ground as they germinate
  • Suitable for treating weeds in paths

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