© Anthony Masi

Get your ‘Horticultural bible’ – RHS Plant Finder 2025

Ever wondered where you can buy a particular plant? Then look no further. The RHS Plant Finder is an A-Z directory of 64,000 plant names and where to buy them

The latest version of the horticultural bible is coming soon, featuring 1,430 newly added plants, each making its first appearance in this comprehensive guide. 

The 2025 edition of the RHS Plant Finder* is the go-to publication for horticultural professionals, amateur and professional gardeners, and garden and landscape designers.

About the RHS Plant Finder

RHS Plant Finder 2025 is your essential guide to over 64,000 plants available to buy in the UK

First published in 1987 and nearly every year since, the RHS Plant Finder is an A-Z directory of 64,000 plant names and where to buy them. It provides an annual snapshot of British garden plants and has therefore mapped plant trends for more than 30 years.

It lists plants available from more than 360 nurseries in the UK, with supplier contact details such as website, mail order details, opening times and other useful information.

The colour section at the start of the book contains the regular feature on new plant highlights, with this edition also including a special feature entitled Perfecting Peat Free by Claire Thorpe and Nikki Barker. For the first time this year, those plants which are

invasive or banned from sale – in accordance with Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – have been highlighted clearly.

I was pleased to see the dramatic increase in Massonia, so I couldn’t resist including a couple of them

Janet Cubey, Plant Finder Editor-In-Chief

Editor-in-Chief Janet Cubey says that her New plant highlights 2025 includes a diverse array of plants, ranging from bedding plants to trees and houseplants to alpines. “With 1,430 plants included for the first time, there were plenty to choose from,” Janet says. “I noticed a trend in herbaceous plants for those with airy flowers and have included some of the new Thalictrum and Sanguisorba in my selection. I was also pleased to see the dramatic increase in Massonia (hedgehog lilies) listed this year, so I couldn’t resist including a couple of them too.”

A must-have for horticulture enthusiasts

Anemone Royal Candy (‘Ifrocan’) is a Japanese anemone that grows to around 70cm tall and flowers from late summer through autumn

The RHS Plant Finder is a horticultural bible. The 2025 edition will showcase a selection of the best new plants and includes an Editor’s Pick for those who want to be trendsetters in garden design. Among the new additions to the guide is Anemone Royal Candy (‘Ifrocan’), an anemone

native to Japan.

Lindsay Durrant, RHS Plant Finder Compiler, says: “This directory is the horticultural bible for all gardeners and those working within the horticultural industry who wish to check horticultural nomenclature or find suppliers for the plants they want to buy. Not only is it an invaluable resource for finding garden plants from nurseries and growers, but it also highlights new plant introductions both to the industry and the directory.”

Nursery and plant information from the directory is also available on the Find a plant section of the website alongside plant profiles.

The RHS Plant Finder is not a photo guide and doesn’t give descriptions – other than the RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) fruit and vegetables, and new plant highlights. If you are looking for an illustrated plant reference book then we suggest:

Where to get your copy?

You can get your copy of the 2025 RHS Plant Finder from:

*Please note: The RHS Plant Finder is made available through Summerfield Books. When ordering online you are leaving the RHS website and will be governed by Summerfield Books’ terms and conditions and privacy policy.

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