1. The competition is open to all amateur and professional photographers. Amateur and professional entries will not be judged separately. RHS, Medici Cards and Wex Photographic employees are not eligible to enter.
2. Plants, Details, Gardens, Seasons, Wildlife and People are categories open to adults (18 or over) and therefore incur an entry cost.
3. The entry fee consists of £5 (RHS members) and £6 (non-members) per photograph entered in each adult category (18 or over) payable by credit/debit card. You can enter more than one photograph per category as long you submit a payment for each photograph.
4. The Young Photographer and Children’s Photographer categories are open to children and young people (under 18) and are therefore free to enter. (However we ask that each child/young person enters no more than five images each.)
5. The Medici Cards Award will be a discretional award, presented to the photographer whom Medici Cards adjudge to have entered the most appropriate image for greetings card publication. The winner will be chosen from all the entries submitted into the competition. The winner of the Medici Cards Award will have their image made into a greeting card and will receive the title and 200 cards as their prize.
6. All photos entered must be done so under an individual’s name.
7. A photograph that has won a prize in another major photographic competition (or the RHS competition in previous years) is not eligible.
8. Only online entries may be submitted. Prints or entries via e-mail or disc are not permitted.
9. The RHS requires that prior permission be sought before entering photographs of private or public gardens. However permission is not required for images taken at RHS Gardens: Wisley, Harlow Carr, Rosemoor and Hyde Hall.
10. It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that all the necessary permissions are obtained from any person featured in a photograph.
11. By submitting images you confirm that you are the copyright holder and creator of the image and that you will be responsible for any claims by any third party.
12. There will be an overall ‘RHS Photographer of the Year’ and ‘RHS Young Photographer of the Year’ chosen from the category prizewinners. First, second and third place winners will also be awarded a prize in each category. If a person is awarded either the title of RHS Photographer of the Year or RHS Young Photographer of the Year, then they will only receive their title prize, thus forfeiting their prize for first place in their individual category.
13. The Medici Cards Award will be presented to one person only. This person will be entitled to keep their category prize (if they are a category winner).
14. Copyright will remain with the photographer. However by entering this competition the photographer/entrant agrees to the RHS using the images for possible exhibition, publication or promotional use. Medici Cards has the option to publish the prizewinning entries as part of the RHS Greeting Card Range, and will contact the prizewinners accordingly. Prizewinners will receive full photographers’ credit and payment in kind from Medici Cards.
15. The judges’ decision is final.
16. Prizewinners (only) will be notified of results by the end of November 2013.
17. The judges reserve the right not to make any award if, in their opinion none of the entries meet the required standard.
18. If there is any doubt, the RHS will decide whether or not a photograph fulfils particular criteria for a given category. If it does not it will be withdrawn. The decision of the RHS is final.
19. Photos from any world location may be submitted.
20. Closing date for receipt of entries is 1 November 2013.
21. Photographers wishing to submit other work for consideration for publication by Medici Cards, may do so directly under separate cover to RHS Art Submissions, Medici Cards, Waterwells Drive, Gloucester, GL2 2PH
22. For further help and information email: photocomp@rhs.org.uk