RHS photo competition

RHS Photographic Competition 2013

This extraordinary photograph of a bee flying between towering, pink foxgloves at Great Dixter Gardens has won £1,000 and the coveted title of RHS Photographer of the Year 2013 for Heather Buckley of Brighton. The photo also won the ‘Plants’ category, which carries another prize of £350 for Heather.

The RHS Young Photographer of the Year 2013 is awarded to 17-year-old Mateusz Piesiak for his uniquely atmospheric image of a starling. As overall winner of the 11-17 category, Mateusz has won combined prizes of £350 in vouchers for the Wex Photographic website.

The quality of images submitted to this year’s competition, which attracted entries from more than 40 countries, made for an enjoyable but difficult task for the judging panel. Two of the judges, professional photographer Clive Nichols and editor of The Garden, Chris Young, agreed that Heather’s striking image was a perfect fit for the RHS competition, celebrating as it does the essential relationship between plants and wildlife.

Judging the Children’s and Young People’s competitions, celebrated TV gardener and all-round horticulturist Chris Collins chose Mateusz’s simply beautiful photo out of a very strong category, for the way in which the bird’s iridescent plumage is echoed by the pastel mist surrounding it.

Category winners 2013

Our congratulations also go to the following winners in each category. Click on the category name to see a slideshow of the winning images and the runners-up.

  • Plants: Heather Buckley
  • Details: Jacky Parker
  • People: Hansa Tangmanpoowadol
  • Gardens: Jonathan Casey
  • Wildlife: Sarah-fiona Helme
  • Seasons: Brent Critchley
  • Young Photographer (aged 11-17): Mateusz Piesiack
  • Children's Photographer (under 11): Genna Vine

See the full photo galleries

Medici logoThe Medici Cards Award

The Medici Cards Award will be decided from all competition entries, and will be presented to the photographer who submits the image best suited for reproduction as a greetings card. 


RHS Photographer of the Year £1,000
RHS Young Photographer of the Year £250 Wex Photographic vouchers


First prize £350
Second prize £200
Third prize £100

wex logo

Children and Young Photographers (under 18)

First prize: £100 Wex Photographic vouchers
Second prize: £50 Wex Photographic vouchers
Third prize: £25 Wex Photographic vouchers


The Medici Cards Award

The image will be published by Medici Cards as a greetings card. The photographer will be credited and will receive 200 copies of their card.

More information

For further information and help please email photocomp@rhs.org.uk

Terms & Conditions

Read the terms & conditions for 2013 RHS Photographic Competition.

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