Corinne said: “I am a 36 year old wife and mother of two, I live in a normal end of terrace 3 bedroom house with my family and many animals, including our four dogs."
"My houseplants are helping me tremendously at the moment, unfortunately I have a incurable auto immune disease scleroderm/MCTD so I am currently on the high risk shielded list. My plants are therapy for me. My plants proved a peaceful and tranquil environment, they keep me occupied I am constantly taking cuttings, I love watching them grow and I’m constantly learning."
“I have always owned houseplants but my collection grew around five years ago, I was very poorly and was suffering with constant infection that left me housebound, I really missed the garden so we brought the outside in. I have around 150 houseplants at the moment I love each one and some have been named, Fernando the fern for example.”