Growing guide

How to grow ivy indoors

Ivy is easy to grow as a houseplant, coping well with low light and a certain amount of neglect. Producing long stems clad in evergreen leaves, it looks great cascading from a high shelf or from a hanging planter, and it can even improve indoor air quality.

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Quick facts

  • Easy and tolerant houseplant with evergreen leaves
  • Grow as a trailing plant or train over a wire hoop or frame
  • Affordable, long lived and copes in low light
  • Many cultivars to choose from, with different leaf shapes and variegation   

All you need to know

Before you get started
Ongoing care
Pruning and training
While we think all this information will be helpful to you, we always recommend to read the instruction labels on your plants.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.