RHS Members’ Seed Scheme

Running since 1905, the RHS Seed Scheme draws upon the charity’s diverse plant collections and wealth of expertise to offer RHS members the exclusive opportunity to buy seed harvested from RHS Gardens

About the RHS Seed Scheme

Find out about the RHS Seed Scheme and how to get seeds as part of an RHS membership:

The RHS Seed list is produced each year by a small, dedicated team of staff and volunteers, based at RHS Garden Wisley. They collect, clean and pack seed for RHS Members, covering 180 species, including annuals, herbaceous perennials, trees and shrubs.

Growing from seed can be fun and rewarding. If not already an RHS Member, consider joining the RHS to take advantage of this and many other fantastic benefits.

RHS Seed team
RHS Seed team volunteers helping to pack seed orders

RHS Members’ Seed Scheme 2025

In line with more sustainable operations, the RHS Seed Scheme is only available to RHS Members online:

Ordering seed packets

RHS Members can order up to 10 packets of seed from RHS Gardens including annuals, herbaceous perennials, trees and shrubs from 21 November 2024 until 31 March 2025 (extended deadline).

It’s quick and easy to order your seed packets online by logging into your My RHS account. If you don’t have one, you can create an account and link your membership in just a few minutes.


A charge of £10 is applied to all orders which covers the cost of seed collection, administration and postage

Delivery of orders

Dispatch of orders for the 2025 RHS Seed Scheme will begin in early December 2024 to addresses in the UK only, with the aim that all orders will be sent out by the 17 April 2025.

See the seed germination guide >

Please note: Due to changes in export regulations governing the sending of plant material overseas, RHS seed can no longer be offered to EU members.

If you haven’t received your order by 30 April 2025, please contact the RHS Seed team by email: seeddepts@rhs.org.uk.

Order seed packets online

Learn more about the seeds

Discover where RHS Seeds come from, get essential safety tips, and see which are best for attracting insects:

Open pollination

Seed is collected from open-pollinated plants. Therefore, seed may not come true and may be hybridised.

Toxic seeds

While every effort is made to highlight those seeds which are known to be toxic, it should be assumed that ALL seed could be potentially harmful or cause skin irritation.

Seed collection
Seed being collected ready for sorting

Bumblebee on flower
Close up of a bumblebee on a Knautia macedonica

Invasive species

The RHS Seed team endeavours to exclude seeds of potentially invasive species.

Plants for Pollinators

Those plants flagged with the bee symbol are ‘Plants for Pollinators’. This identifies plants that are good for attracting pollinating insects into the garden.

Handy tools and information

Find seed to try, learn how to germinate RHS Seeds, collect seed at home, and get expert tips on seed care:

Tree-mendous new seeds to try

Looking for something different to grow? Discover some standout selections of seeds harvested from four of the more unusual trees at the RHS that are being offered to RHS members as part of the Seed Scheme in 2025.

Liriodendron tulipifera AGM (tulip tree)
Liriodendron tulipifera AGM (tulip tree)

Get in touch

If you are looking to commercialise the genetic material, its products or resources derived from it, please get in touch with the RHS Seed team.

Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.