Find the perfect vegetables to grow at home by browsing our selection of growing guides.
Each video will guide you through what to do and when, with advice on sowing, planting, nurturing and harvesting your crops.
Apple canker is a fungal disease causing disfiguring and sunken patches of dead bark on the branches of apple and ...
Apple scab and pear scab are two fungal diseases that cause dark, scabby marks on the fruit and leaves of apples, ...
Biennial bearing is a problem in some fruit trees, particularly apples and pears, where they crop heavily in one year ...
Brown rot is a fungal disease of apples, pears, plums, cherries and some other fruit and ornamental trees, causing a ...
European pear rust is a fungal disease of pear trees, causing bright orange spots on the leaves. It also affects ...
Fruit trees and bushes can be hosts of sap sucking aphids (commonly known as greenfly, blackfly or plant lice) during ...
In spring the leaves of pear trees sometimes develop raised pink or yellowish green blotches which usually turn ...
Pear midge can cause the loss of large numbers of pear fruitlets in spring.
Wasps are beneficial in gardens, they feed their grubs on caterpillars and other insects and so can reduce plant ...
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