Science & Collections at the RHS

Our founding purpose is to improve the science, art and practice of horticulture. At RHS Hilltop, the UK’s first research centre for gardening science, our 130 dedicated individuals work to promote sustainability in gardening and improve the health of the environment, people and nature.

Science & Collections news

Who are we and what do we do?

Research into the science behind gardening and garden plants is central to the RHS’ charitable purpose. Science and sustainability underpins everything we do, and all the advice we give. Around 130 staff work at RHS Hilltop – the Home of Gardening Science at RHS Wisley, with more than 60 additional students and academics based externally.

Our impacts include:

  • Making advice on dealing with climate change available to the UK’s 28 million gardeners
  • Providing science-based advice through answering 115,000 gardening questions per year
  • Working with industry to find science-based solutions
  • Advising government on latest research and its impacts
  • Collaborating with 18 universities across the UK
  • Documenting 305,000+ plants in our online Plant Finder

    Our research areas include:

    • Increasing the resilience of gardens to climate change
    • Improving water management in gardens
    • Phasing out peat use in horticulture
    • Promoting healthy soils and carbon storage
    • Exploring the ecosystem services potential of plants, trees and hedges
    • Facilitating healthy plants and healthy garden ecosystems
    • Ensuring biosecurity of UK garden plants
    • Gardening for wildlife and biodiversity
    • Maximising the wellbeing benefits of gardening
    • Greening up the UK, especially our urban areas
    • Documenting diversity of UK cultivated plants

Meet the teams

“No other organisation in the world focuses on the science of gardening. This is critical in providing solutions to some of the great challenges we face, such as climate change, creating healthy gardens, and improving the health of people, wildlife and the planet.”

Professor Alistair Griffiths, RHS Director of Science and Collections

Discover some of our key projects

What’s on in RHS Science & Collections

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RHS Science and Sustainability Strategies

From 2020-25, our scientific work is focused on garden plants: their diversity, health and effect on people’s wellbeing. This Science Strategy aims to equip the UK’s 28 million gardeners with the tools they need to address the horticultural and societal challenges they face now and in the future.

Discover our Science Strategy

Within the decade, we aim to become net positive for nature and for people, and to encourage and enable gardeners to do the same. Focussed around 10 key sustainability targets to address the climate and biodiversity crises, the RHS Sustainability Strategy underpins all our work.

Discover our Sustainability Strategy

RHS Science Strategy

Explore our scientific & heritage collections

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Help our scientists combat the climate and biodiversity crises and improve the health of people and nature by donating towards our work or remembering us in your will

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.